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Destructo Man, ah Zon


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So I am off to the local hardware store to get some nuts, bolts and whatever those long metal things they all attached to are.... what are they???? Anyway, Louie, my male Amazon loves to destroy anything that's wood, metal or attached to the ceiling, walls or boings. He tears down his bungee boing at least three times a day and made it crash to the floor over and over. His beak is very strong and he is very intelligent!!! I have found splinters of wood all over the bird room floor and fearfully looked over all my woodwork. Thank goodness it is always his wooden toys in shambles. (Thank you Ana Grey for ignoring all those big wooden toys I got for you when I thought you would be huge!!!!! They certainly keep Louie busy!!!) Louie is now working on destroying the hula hoop atom I worked so hard on!!!! Granted, it only cost me a few dollars to make but he has made it his personal business to take it all apart. Can't find the stainless steel nuts and expect the whole mechanical brilliant toy to come crashing down any minute now. He protects this Atom as if he is the General of the Army protecting a hill and Ana Grey is shooed off all the time!!!!! Big Brute!!!! I have tried to find some tougher toys for Louie to "play" with and I have now decided to make my own!!!!! Hence I am off to the hardware store for nuts, bolts and screwy things!!!!


Wish me luck!!!

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Wow sounds like louie has come into his own and letting you know what he is like.

Cricket is not that bad when it comes to distroying her toys. I gess it`s because she did not have many toys before we got her. She came in a very small cage about 16x16x20 that she was in for years. She is in a large cage now but when she is out she is very content to sit on my scholder or her T stand and she loves to sit on the back of the kitchen chair and poop on the floor. She also likes to rip up paper.

Edited by Ray P
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Oh Louie is really a sweetheart, he is just very into life. He does everything with enthusiasm and gusto!!!! He lived with breeding greys after the husband became ill and as the wife says, he became untame and unruly. I don't know about if he had toys, he just loves toys now and destroys them all. Someday he will learn to step up and be more trusting of me, I can wait as I can see that he is happy and enjoying himself in his new home.http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp158/JanetMoulton/003-25-1.jpg Look at that sparkle in his eye, he is happy and carefree. I totally love him!!! http://http://i407.photobucket.com/albums/pp158/JanetMoulton/003-25-1.jpg



Edited by luvparrots
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Louie has not destroyed any of my woodwork, so far he just likes to destroy his toys and hanging perches. I have lots of wooden toys hanging around their perches for them to destroy!!!! I have had to take down the hula hoop Atom I made as it has become the one thing that both Louie and Ana Grey have claimed as "My sole property" and they are going beak to beak all the time over it. So I just took it down for awhile. Show them whose Boss!!! 4_1_219.gif

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Thanks chezron! I still have a couple of the nut and bolt toys. Louie loves to twist them apart so I keep loosing nuts. Their being all stainless steel, they can get spendy to replace!!! Louie loves to climb and hang on all the perches in the bird room. He still stays in the bird room although the door is always open. Strange guy but he is out of his cage first thing every morning. He is a busy big zon. He has slimmed down some and looks very handsome. He is a re-home that has worked out beautifully even though he and Ana Grey still have territory issues.

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Hey Janet long time no see! I have been gone such a long time I didn't even know you got a Zon, well ive got some reading to do!! I just wanted to pass along this website and these toys Rene LOVES it!! He cannot get the screws off and makes just the right amount of noise when he beats it so it gives him hours of play, it was alittle pricey for me but hes happy and thats all the matters!



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