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Sunshine is adapting well to his new home


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Sunshine is now stepping onto my arm and has ventured upstairs where he'll spend most of his time when I'm home outside of his cage. He is very sweet and hasn't even attempted to bite me. His personality is very docile and sweet. I think I really got very fortunate adopting this guy. He's eating well and is adjusting nicely. He has said cuddle bug and Hi so far. I'll be taking him to the vet very soon, now that I can handle him.



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Sunshine is a B&G Macaw. I posted earlier about needing expert advice. I didn't realize that once he let me handle him he would be so mellow and sweet. I just need to continue feeding him a healthy diet to increase his weight a little bit and to help him grow healthier feathers. He was a re home that had been neglected. His diet was lacking and was left in his cage for quite a while. I am so glad that I was able to rescue him and give him what he needs. He is very loving and affectionate. I don't know how anyone could ignore this guy. Dorian, my grey, is very interested in him. He wants to visit him when he's out, but I have kept him away. I'm just not sure what he'll do. He doesn't seem to be at all agressive towards him, but I'm not sure how to introduce the two of them. I'd love for them to be friends, but I don't want a blood bath on my hands. I would die if anything happened to Dorian. Any advice would be greatly appreciated on how to introduce them.



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Thank you Judy for doing that for me. That was very kind and thoughtful of you. Sunshine is a very quiet fellow at this time. I've only heard him vocalize 3 times in two weeks. I was home all day yesterday and not once did he make a sound. I've heard him say Hello and cuddle bug and that's if for his noise. I'm thinking that once he becomes more relaxed in his new home that he will make more noise, but the previous owner told me that he was a quiet guy. Time will tell. He had a down day yesterday and wouldn't get out of his cage. I don't know why, but something just didn't seem quite right with him. I'm hoping today will be a better day. I did let him stay out longer on Friday eve. to just talk and sit with him. Perhaps it wore him out. It was only about 2 hours past his reg. bedtime. I thought he could make it up during the day and perhaps that is why he didn't want to come out. I guess I shouldn't have done it. I'm hoping he's back to wanting out today. Thanks for all your kind words about him. I never really saw a blue and gold macaw up close and wasn't aware that their back feathers were irredescent. It looks like a shimmering blue or green depending upon how the light reflects off of it. It's very pretty. Kevin

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Yes I would imagine that Sunshine will become more vocal once he feels more comfortable in his new home but if his former owner said he was a quiet bird then he must be for macaws are usually very loud at times.

I would probably adhere to his regular bedtime for even if they do nap during the day it doesn't make up for lost sleep overnight, there should be routine but not so much that it doesn't allow for some flexibility but just like our human children they need a set bedtime or they get cranky.

I hope to hear more about Sunshine and maybe some more pictures and this time don't size them down so small for they are better viewed a little larger, if you need my help just let me know.

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If this is any help in terms of introducing your two guys, when we started "showing" Marcus (CAG) and Beaker (Quaker parrot) to each other after we adopted Marcus, we would just walk into the room with Beaker on our finger or shoulder and let them stare at each other. Then when their cages were together in one room, they got plenty of time to stare, call, whatever on their own. Because of the size difference, and because of Beaker's fiery Quaker personality--he attempted to 'attack' Marcus once through his cage bars when I accidentally put his movable perch to close, and Marcus just seemed startled by it all--I don't let them play together yet or anything, but I do sing to them and let them get within a few inches of each other (Marcus perched, Beaker on my hand). It seems to be working to get them comfortable so near one another, in that they both love it when I sing to them so a) they're very happy already, and b) it's "flock time".

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