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Bonding Question???


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you know the way greys are ment to bond with only 1 person in the family etc does that mean that the grey will not wanna spent time with the others or be aggressive or anything like that towards others?? or does the grey just want to be with the bond person all the time im lost :-P

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All I can say is that it depends on the grey. Some love everybody. Some love only their "flock" (family). Some love just one person but tolerate others. My TAG is just a baby but in the month that we have had him he has sort of become leary of my husband. He lets me do anything. I'm expecting that to change in time when Neo gets more confident. You just have to take them for what they decide. You can modify it but I don't think you can completely change it.

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I can only comment on my experience with my 2 1/2 year old TAG. Her breeder was very particular about who owned her greys as she spent a lot of time socializing and preparing them for becoming companions. So part of the personality of a grey comes from the breeder's socialization methods and teaching her purchasers how to care for her babies. That being said, I live alone and Ana Grey spends most of her time with me. She is very confident and trusting and I can do just about anything with her. She has chosen a couple of my grandchildren as worthy friends. My 21 year old grandson and my 11 year old grandson she will fly to and land on their shoulders. She loves treats from them and they are her "guys." Everyone else she will tolerate but she will not fly to them. She sits on her perches or boings and leaves them alone and expects them to also leave her alone. I do not encourage her to befriend anyone else but my family. If Ana Grey wants to be left alone she will fly to her bird room or my office as these are safe havens for her.

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Maximising the bird's exposure to a variety of different people on a regular basis might help with a bird being more accepting of other people. In spite of my efforts however, Cleo doesn't really like anyone but me. She cannot stand the sight of my roommate, and will fluff up and lunge at him when he walks past or talks to her. It doesn't help he is terrified of her and is very skittish around her, and the little witch knows it! She will dive bomb him occasionally when she is out, simply because it's fun to see him flinch and jerk back and squeal.


Socialise your bird as much as you can.

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My Grey has bonded with me. I live by myself but when friends and family come over I encourage them to talk to Kaleah but not touch her, as she can become slightly aggressive. She does seem to prefer women to men, and more so dark haired women, probably because I have dark hair. As Azzie said, socialize your bird. It makes them more accepting of others. But remember, don't force your bird to go to someone it shows an obvious dislike for. The bird will become agitated and upset and the person could end up with a serious bite.

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