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Timmy has come alive!!!!!


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Guys and Gals, Today Timmy has NOT SHUT UP!!!! Nonstop LOUD wolf whistles and mimicks of what sounds like my tiel, budgie, and wild brids he hears out the window! Also, he laughs like a woman's voice, followed by words we cant understand (prevoius owners maybe?) but hes trying to say something. It sounds EXACTLY like a human laugh, so awesome! I know this is a very small feat compared to yalls greys, but I am pumped!!!!!! He also stepped up for me once today when he saw a small piece of grape in my hand!


THANKS TO YALL (sorry I was impatient and hard-headed) I feel that I am on the right track now! I have never heard a grey vocalize in person and this is just amazing!! I have many many more weeks and months to go but I think Timmy is gonna love his new family......well gotta go, hes ringing the bell!!!!!

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hahaha Barb! LOL


Quick update-----My phone keeps ringing...but is it really the phone???

------My answering machine keeps beeping...but is it really the answering machine???

-------Is there really a wild sparrow in Timmys room???


..................The answer is NO! it is Timmy!!! haha


lol guys, this is freaking amazing to me, like all a sudden he just broke out with some noises! I love it!!

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hahaha Barb! LOL


Quick update-----My phone keeps ringing...but is it really the phone???

------My answering machine keeps beeping...but is it really the answering machine???

-------Is there really a wild sparrow in Timmys room???


..................The answer is NO! it is Timmy!!! haha


lol guys, this is freaking amazing to me, like all a sudden he just broke out with some noises! I love it!!


It was when you relaxed. They are so sensitive to our emotions! Good for ALL of you. HUGE thumbs up!!

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luvparrots- If you saw me smiling when I was typing, you would really understand the happiness in my words! haha


I feel like I just got a promotion to Master Moutain Climber Best Ever Cool Dude "walk on water" Emmie Award Winning Wrestling Champ Spelling Bee First Place Fastest Car in Town Best Moustache Ever Bird Guy!!!!!!!!!


OK, OK, OK....That MIGHT be a little bit over the top, but its CLOSE< HAHAHAHA!!!!


Seriously, the past 2 days have really shown me what my "fid" is capable of...and I got a feeling he is gonna continue to impress us and learn more than ever. He NOW has a loving home with young kids to keep him awake and alert, haha-like they do us!



There is a catch tho, not bad, but it is real....

Quick story....my wife is not a bird person and wont even hold my parakeet, even scared to feed it, but she is very compassionate about our dogs and the ferret I once had. She is just scared of a beak and thats cool, no prob.....BUT Timmy gets excited when she comes around and hears her voice, same with my mom, so I think he likes the high pitched voice and my "clarence Carter" voice just does nothing for Timmy! LOL!!! Anyway, He gets plenty of attention, stimulation, and reaction from our family that we will prob make him a mad man trying to figure out what to do or say next!

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Barb, AWWWWW, I feel ur pain!


Timmy is fluffed with a curled up leg up deep in his body and eyes closed! I wish he would sit on my nightstand and sing me to sleep! ahahahahahah


We will see what tomorrow brings and Ill update as needed...I have a busy day so Ill see him in the morn (he will watch weather channel all day), then bout 4 or 5 ill open his cage when I get home and see what happens!


Good night!

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I'm not sure yet, but it sounds like you're a tiny bit happy.


**Master Moutain Climber Best Ever Cool Dude "walk on water" Emmie Award Winning Wrestling Champ Spelling Bee First Place Fastest Car in Town Best Moustache Ever Bird Guy!!!!!!!!!***


Seems longer to say it than being it.

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Don't worry about your wife being a "bird person", Timmy will win her over. That beak is scary, but when she learns how much he loves her and wants her attention, it will bring her around too. My poor husband kept trying even when ours was growling and him, and standing on his head trying to get him to take a treat. It is just heartwarming to live in the moment of your excitement for Timmy. I am happy for your family. This grey experience is like nothing I ever experienced in my life and I have had a lot of adventures. You will have to start telling Timmy to coax your wife "Its okay mama, I won't bite"... LOL

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Yes, it is amazing!


Ive gotten 4 step-ups today out of about 10 tries and still have all my fingers! I was on the brink of rehoming him...Glad I calmed down causw he is gonna work out just fine and I can tell he is happy now instead of being tucked away in the dark corner he once was in!

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yea! Glad he's come alive with words and such...they are such joys to have!


My husband sounds exactly like your wife!! He was TERRIFIED of birds. He had a bad experience with one and that was it. I have always had birds and I love them to pieces. It took me 7 years of coaxing him to be comfortable with birds. Now, we have a grey AND a cockatoo (Umbrella). But I also agree Katana - You will have to start telling Timmy to coax your wife "Its okay mama, I won't bite"...lol...

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I was on the brink of rehoming him.


That scares me for you had in no way given him the time he needed to settle in but it looks like things have improved a lot but don't think it will be all roses and sweetness from now on but you have certainly broken ground on a good foundation so lets keep it going.

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Congrats on Talking Timmy...lol... Wait until you are doing something or on the phone with a very important call and Timmy starts going at it and you want him to be quite ...lol...you will think what happen to my cute little quite Timmy... My Ms. Diva talked more and more as the days went by when i 1st got her. I have only had her a few mos. now and she is still coming up with new things and new words I have seen or heard from here before like a few "bad words" every now an then. So Good luck and Congrats again....

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I was home 2 full days with my sick child and Timmy wont make a peep for me, then soon as my wife gets home and sits down and talks to him-IT IS ON!!!! He talks, whistles, bobs his head and looks happy! I wish he would act like that to me, I am the one who feeds, cleans, and gives him treats. I know he is still new to us so maybe he is just used to his old "mommys" voice and not a mans voice but I am determined for him to like and respond to me.....


......Just to add, my wife will NEVER pick him up or give a treat, no way, never...She wont even hold a keet or tiel

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Barb- Ive made my voice as high pitched as I can! LOL- Just kidding!!!!! I know what you mean tho. I am the one that has to disclipline my children, so Timmy prob hears my tone of voice and it is scary when my kids are acting up...Timmy prob relates me to a mean, non-loving person cause of that, but I am good as gold to him and give him all the space he needs. I need to stop looking at cuddling little greys that say 2500+ words on youtube huh! haha

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Time of day is also huge. I have a baby but even he is only really cuddly right before bedtime. If I try that nonsense in the middle of the day Neo wants no part of it. He likes to have his head scratched on his timetable. If I try when he's not in the mood, he moves away. I have to plan training when he's not hungry or sleepy. I'm slowly learning his "language" and adapting what I do to what he wants. For instance, in the morning I put him on his stand. He ignores food and his toy. He moves over and stands on his water bowl and flaps his wings. His stand is right by my chair. So his wing flapping tells me that he wants to come over and sit on the arm of my chair. I thought at first that meant he wanted pets and cuddles. Nope. He doesn't want me touching him. Our primary interaction is me saying "Don't chew on my shirt". (He seems to already know what this means as he stops chewing when I say this....until he starts chewing again, and I say it again, and so the game goes.) It's a never ending learning process, more for me than him!

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I need to stop looking at cuddling little greys that say 2500+ words on youtube huh! haha


Exactly for they are few out of so many but we have no control over who they seem to prefer and Timmy has taken a liking to your wife but that doesn't mean you are left out in the cold, you can have a good relationship with him but not like the one with her. This scenario is played out in many homes with greys in them, one does all the care for the bird and another does nothing but ends up as the favored one, you might as well accept it for what it is. Timmy may always prefer her to you but you continue what you are doing and see what happens. Greys are all individuals and no two of them are going to act alike.

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Everything is gonna work out, no matter what!


Every other bird, dog, ferret, iguana, chicken, duck.....EVERY pet I have ever had has always been GREAT and appreciated me in its own way so now that I look at it that way, we are all just a family!!!!! Nothing can break up a family and all families learn and adapt as they grow and age (humans and animals). I need to STOP looking into things so much and just do whats right and go with the flow---its hard to break that mindset tho with my business...discliplne is in my blood and alot of worring comes with that, and its a hard trait to break-I think deep into things and naturally worry about everything.....To sum it up, Timmy is a part of my family, and thats that!


Sounds better that way huh! haha makes me feel better to say it that way!! lol

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