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My frustration


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So I bought a nifty new digital camera, which takes amazingly clear photos. I thought I'd regale you all with some updated photos of Cleo, but the little witch won't sit still. The moment she sees the camera (and she sees EVERYTHING!) she moves. I've taken dozens of shots, and they're all blurry, have no bird in them, or part of a bird such as a tail or only a wing.


She already had her cute nasty little tongue on the lens and tried to bite off parts, and squawked loudly when I shooed her away.


Maybe she is just camera shy?

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Ha Ha Ha!!! At least Cleo only moves - Harvey is in LOVE with the camera and it sends him into the mating dance! I have to be very swift to take photos - or he'll just jump at me!


Persevere - I'm sure Cleo will realise what it's like to be a huge star one of these days!!!

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LOL I feel your pain. The other day, I literally had the camera in my hand. Belle was sound asleep on the floor when I saw Phenix a foot away, lurking under the sofa with just his head in view, about to pounce. He couldn't have looked more devilish. By the time the shutter clicked, I got nothing but a sleeping dog. :(


Not only was Phenix no where to be seen, but he got really ticked & wouldn't come out from under the sofa for quite a while.

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I know what you mean. My camera stopped working before I got Kaleah and so all the pictures I have of her have been taken with my phone's camera. Most of them come out very blurry because she moves the second she sees my phone "looming" in front of her. She's fast and my crappy phone camera can not keep up with her. Maybe Santa will bring me a new camera for Christmas. HAHA

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