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Feed away! I am assuming that you mean raw cranberries, right? I mean, I would not feed them cranberry jelly from the can, since it's full of sugar and all kinds of other junk, but raw, unadulterated cranberries are fine! My two get them chopped into their green veg mix and my 'too loves them and my AG occasionally loves them but mostly eats a tiny nibble and that's all.


Oh, I found that my 'too loves cranberries if I feed them just sliced in half, but my AG likes them in slices, like you'd slice a tomato. Funny, huh!?


By the way, everyone, I always buy a couple of extra bags of cranberries at the end of the holiday season and toss them in the freezer. They freeze beautifully and that way my fids will have fresh cranberry all year long. (Not to mention, so will I, should I get a hankering for homemade cranberry relish in mid-July!)

Edited by >^..^<
Edited to add the info about freezing bags of fresh cranberries.
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Everyone here loves them including the dog! If your fids won't eat dried cranberries, you might try re-hydrating them with some juice. We have a lot of mixed cranberry juice cocktails like cranapple, crangrape, cranorange, etc. The fids may enjoy the mixed flavors, too.


Like >^..^<, we freeze them to have around all the time. My personal fav is steamed cranberry pudding with homemade caramel sauce & they make a very nice topping on a cheesecake. : )


ps... >^..^< ... Hope you don't mind, but I'm just going to start calling you "Face" from now on. It's just way to hard for me to type that right!

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ps... >^..^< ... Hope you don't mind, but I'm just going to start calling you "Face" from now on. It's just way to hard for me to type that right!


Me too Val for it is much too difficult and it may end up as "Cat face"

We make a cranberry apple casserole for Thankgiving that is sooooooooooooooooooo good, yummy.

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We bought a bag of raw cranberries, not the dried kind ;\ I'm going to give him one and see what he does with it. They are a little sour to me, and I don't know if he'll like them-- but I sure hope so because there is NO WAY I can eat a whole bag! Lol

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JDS, seriously, freeze them! If you leave them in the fridge, like any fresh fruit or veg, they will start to mold or decompose in other nasty, slimy ways soon. And neither of my fids liked cranberry the first several times I gave it to them but I sliced it into very thin, tiny bits and mixed it in with other foods they do like. Now they both eat them no problem, though if the pieces are too big, my AG willllll toss them overboard, as if to say "What is THIS crap in my food?" So funny how they'll eat certain foods chopped up small but reject them if left whole or even just big.


birdhouse and Judy, "Face" is fine, I suppose! HA! I even have a hard time signing myself in when I log on to this site! So I totally understand. Course, you could just copy and paste. :::giggles:::

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I'll freeze some!


I gave Sully cranberries with his veggies this morning. I gave him a whole one, just to see what he would do with it. He didn't like the sour, but seemed to like the texture, because he would pop them, and then shake his head over and over while he ate them :) Ah well, cranberries on the wall it is! :D

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