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Scruffy tail feathers?


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Hi everyone, sorry I have not visited in a while but the boys went back to school which means that I've also got to get my head down and do some work, plus our internet has been playing up but this has now been fixed.


Diego is doing really well and at the moment we are inseparable. I work from home so he comes with me into the office, he still refuses to make the coffee and spends the whole day chatting and distracting me rather than getting any work done LOL. All he wants all day are kisses and cuddles, which I must admit I am loving, especially when he tucks his head into my neck and coos and grinds his beak.


The only thing that I am concerned about is his tail feathers. Over the last few weeks I have noticed they have become really scruffy and tatty looking. I've had a look on the internet and have seen that this can be due to a vitamin deficiency? However, Diego has a really good diet full of everything he needs so am unsure about this. Can this point to any other medical condition I should be aware of? The only other thing I can think of is that when he is playing in his cage his feathers are constantly scraping along the bars as he spends most of his time climbing about and hanging upside down.


All his other feathers look beautiful, apart from the tail ones?

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Welcome back Carolina, you were missed, how does he play, does he play rough for some birds that do their feathers will show it but maybe he is getting ready to molt, hope there is no deficiency that is causing it, maybe one of the more knowledgeable members will shed some light on it.

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Yeah he plays very rough and does not stop until bedtime. He is out of the cage for most of the day but has to go back in when I do the school runs or taking the boys out and about. When he is in the cage he never sits still on his perch and all you can hear is crash, bang, crash, bang and then him laughing or saying clever boy!


I too am hoping it is just down to his playing antics, or though he could be due for a molt. Does anyone know at what age most Amazons have their first molt?

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Can you give him a bath?

I give him a good spray every other day and although it does improve the look of them there are some where they have been slightly damaged. I will try and get a photo of them if he shows willing, although I have a feeling he will never let me get a photo of his behind as he will be wondering why I don't want one of his beautiful face! LOL


Cricket will have from time to time One or two feathers that will look bad but they fall out and new ones come in and she looks ok.


This is reassuring that it may just be an over zealous Amazon thing!

Edited by GoDiego
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Hi, this is normal for a Zon, they stand on their tail, cage brushing, just playing around, spray it more often, and brush with your fingers, squeezing together, Salsa and Westley are the same....Rough and tumble. He might lose a colored feather or two about now if he hasn't already...Jay d We missed you!!!

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Oh our rambunctious amazons. Louie does not get his tail feathers all a mess, but he certainly loves to get into everything. He looses a beautiful feather about every other day and he is ringing and clanging every metal or toy in the bird room that has a clapper or a clanger! Love those amazons!!!!

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I'm feeling much more confident now that this is normal for a hyperactive Zon. I must admit I could not see how it could be his diet as I really monitor what he eats to make sure he gets everything he needs. I think if the rest of his feathers looked dull I would be more worried. Today I watched him playing and he really does put his tail feathers through their paces, like Jayd said at one point he was sat on them.


Trying to get a photo of his behind is impossible I will try again but he was just not going to let me post his behind on the forum today! LOL

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