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Windows System Support (NOT)! Please Read!


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On numerous occasions over the past month I have been telephoned from abroad (normally India) where the caller tells me that they are from "Windows Technical Support" and they have "detected" a virus on my operating system. They ask you to go to your computer, turn it on and they will "guide" you through the "maintenance" of the system.


Contrary to popular belief, I'm not stupid or naive and therefore haven't even wandered into the study, let alone switched the computer on!


Then, this weekend it was in the papers - MASSIVE SCAM - run from India and some unsuspecting, trusting people are going through their instructions and offering their whole operating system up to unscrupulous crooks!


Hang up on them! Swear at them! Do what you want - just don't follow their "guidance"!

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Oh golly gee, please I should give them my number. Then I would assure them my system was on, click on the keys and try to help them to help me and give them all my make believe fairy tale passwords. I would quicken the pace of their heart by being every so trusting and helpful and then say "my machine is making a strange noise, can you hear it?" No, let me turn it louder, can you hear it? No? Can you turn up your volume, you really need to hear this. And then, and then, hit the smoke detector test button quick like a bunny and give their rudeness and treachery right back at em.

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Ha Ha! Great idea Dee - but I haven't got the patience with them! I've been off work today and so far I've had a phone call from these clowns, a "have you been missold payment protection" company, a research company and Sky TV maintenance department (it wasn't them either). I would HATE to be on night shift and be in bed during the day - no wonder Harvey "answers" the telephone if it rings that many times during the day!!!

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Nasty! Do you have a "do not call" registry in the UK?


Oh Yes! They call it "caller preference" here in the UK. The only problem is - it only covers companies within the UK - outside they have no juristiction over them! Then again, the caller preference service is quite naff too - companies still ring you - they don't care!!!


I'm going to get myself a loud tin whistle and blast their ear drums!!! Or, reverse psychology, ask them the same questions they are asking me - or I might try and sell them something!!!

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We are on the no-call registry, and that has slowed the calls a bit, but not stopped them. There is always a way to get around the rules. At our house, we have a running contest of who can come up with the best strategy. We have a tie for first place. Prior to the rules, my husband had a call selling magazines. He agreed and agreed and had quite a list and then he complimented on the fabulous price, he said he never heard of such prices for magazines in Braille. He explained to the caller that he thought he was calling from the association for the blind. We got no more calls from that telemarketer. My favorite was when they were having the long distance "wars". David would jump ship for the best price, then I was the one at home to get the calls. As one of the carriers told me the fantasy benefits of switching, I told him politely, no thanks, this is my husband's area of concern. He replied with a challenge "Oh, so you don't have the authority to make decisions on your phone carrier?" I took the bait. "Oh, no, sir, I am not permitted to have any opinions when my husband isn't home." In a hushed tone, I said "I am not allowed to answer the phone when he is not here, you aren't going to tell him are you?" He was sorry, oh, so sorry ma'am.... and I didn't get any more calls from him either. It isn't near as much fun now with asking politely to take me off the calling list and then on the second call, asking again, please take me off the calling list or the next time you call it is going to be unpleasant. And that is when I test the smoke detector.

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There is a tape and or a CD called the revenge of the telamarketer.This man taped calls from them keep them on the phone with storys that he would make up.

One telamarketer called the police because he though he was giving his under age son beer when they were on the phone.

The police came and got a kick from the tapes he played for them. I think there is 3 or 4 tapes with about 200 calls on them. Very funny

He evean had them hang up on him

Edited by Ray P
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I knew a Dr. that would place the phone on the sofa in front of the television and the infernal marketers believed thaty had some one listening. One of my friends pretends she is a lonely old lady and chats them up about grandchildren (non existant) politics silly rules at the bank ect. they usually hang up as she just keeps talking over them. I love the smoke alarm.

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I would have a field day with a computer scammer like that. One, I don't own a single windows machines just mac and linux. Second, I too like to play games with the more obnoxious telemarketers add to that a scam, it would be no holds barred. I they're raising money for a good cause I cut them a brake. Selling diet pills, watch out! This is the grey forum after all. Has anyone put their parrot on the phone with a telemarketer? That would be youtube GOLD.

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