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Christmas gift idea


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Hi guys


There's a man by the name of Bill Volkart who runs the Mount Holly Duck Sanctuary in Ohio. He is quite a remarkable man, in that he died of a stroke a few years ago, but came back. When he came home, the first thing he saw was a flock of 7 ducks waddling up his driveway. This gave him a new purpose in life, and the duck sanctuary was born.


Now, Bill has written a childrens' book called Meep Finds His Way, a true story about a little blind duck that finds a home. If you are looking for a gift for a child, I ask you to please consider Bill's book. All the proceeds go towards the upkeep of the ducks he shelters.


He is on Facebook, as is his pet Canadian goose Howard T Goose. This is his website http://mthollyducksanctuary.com/

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