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The Harvey Update!


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Harvey is now 22 months old and some of you may remember that I'd decided that I had the only mute parrot of the forum. Everyone told me that Harvey would flourish and would start talking when he wanted - and of course you were right!


I'm now having trouble finding the "off" button! He NEVER shuts up! He even scolds himself before, and during any misdemenour he gets involved in! This usually is "no, get off, get out, step up"! He knows when he is in the wrong and likes to tell me so!


His other favourites are "where's dad", "where's Tom" and "WHAT" !!


He is still a little git! He is unclipped (and staying that way) and does exactly what he wants!


At the end of the day though - he's my baby and at "cuddle time" he does just that! He will actually lie on his side on my chest if I lie on the settee and will lie there until I tell him it's "birdie byes"! He is nice really!


Well, I could ramble - but I'll save that until another posting!!! I'll get some pictures soon!!

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