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Macaw macaw again ????????


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You say you had greys and a macaw before, and now have another grey. And now you are talking to a breeder about a macaw.


I feel somewhat compelled to tap you on the shoulder about this one. You briefly mentioned your prior birds in an earlier post, and of course I don't know the details around your earlier birds. I don't need to know the details. What I'm asking is that you take a close look at your prior experience as data points around your current situation.


Reemphasizing what Dave007 has said:

We really can't tell you if it's silly. Silly doesn't apply here. Ability to give a parrot as much attention as possible, be around as much as possible, socialize as much as possible---those things do apply.


Make sure this is a good choice for you and the birds. Especially the birds. These are positive, lifetime relationships we are creating. And of course, you and your bird(s) have all of our support regardless of your decision!

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Yes, I have had him since last Sunday. He's been relatively quiet and allows me to give him walnuts and lets me pet his beak and head. He has squawked a little bit each day that I have heard when I 've been home, but not a lot. Today I've been home all morning and he's not made a sound. He is very inquisitive about me and comes to the side of the cage every time I go near him. I just wonder how long it will take before he let's me put him on my hand??? Anyway, I think I read in other birds...that you got a macaw as well. Congratulations to you. I watched the videos and can easily see why you fell head over heels for her. What a sweet bird. Keep me posted on your endeavor and I will do the same.


Kevin....Seems like be both followed our hearts on this one.

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No Kev only met my little girl today. She isn't weened for another minimum of 4 weeks. Just one thing if anyone can answer. She's a loverly cuddly bird, but she as a dodge toe. On her left leg she as three toes forward and only one back. As anyone come across this before. I hear it's common in smaller birds but don't affect the bird at all. Anyone ???

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I have never heard of that, however, I have an owl finch that lost all of his front toes that was given to me. He gets around perfectly and even became a father two years ago. He is doing well and you'd never know if you didn't because he flies and moves just like the others. I'm sure someone here will know what the prognosis is for a dodge toe. I'm hoping that it's nothing that causes a problem for your little girl. I'll keep looking into it....


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Chris, about the foot if it has been that way since it hatched as in a birth defect then the bird will learn to get along with it that way as it doesn't know any different, handicapped birds learn to adapt to their deformities and you may have to make a few adjustments to the cage or playstand but I doubt it, I bet that bird does just fine with the foot the way it is, lovely picture of a beautiful macaw, thanks for sharing it with us.

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