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Macaw macaw again ????????


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Hi everyone. Please give me some advice. You may remember me trying to decide which bird to have. I've had African greys before and a macaw. In the end was sensible and bought Rambo a African grey. He is fantastic no complains no way is he going anywhere. BUT I'm still missing my macaw and spend ages looking at them on the nett and reading all about them. They are so different to greys. Buster my blue and gold was a fantastic bird, was a terrible shame when I had to let him go.

So what do you think, would two birds be silly. I'm not in the house much but Rambo just comes to work. Would they be good company for each other could they share there work days.


The green wing macaw is really catching my eye, they seam really playfull.

What's life like with two birds.


Is there a macaw forum you could point me too ?????



Thanks in advance.

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If you've had each type before, then you know the differences. As far as both in one home, that's the person's choice. Both have totally different personalities. There's no way to tell if they will get along. A macaw is prone to nasal infections from the heavy dander a grey gives off. Rambo is lucky that he's with you alot but then a new bird would take his place and be alone during your working hours. You liked your past macaw but there's absolutely no way that you'll know the personality of any new parrot.

As far as them getting along, well just like with putting any 2 birds together, it's impossible to know how they'll get along. It's an individual thing. We really can't tell you if it's silly. Silly doesn't apply here. Ability to give a parrot as much attention as possible, be around as much as possible, socialize as much as possible---those things do apply. Many here have more than one bird but they can only tell you what goes on in their house.


But anyway---







Edited by Dave007
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I can understand your dilemma. I too, have always admired and been fond of Macaws and seriously considered getting one. After much thought, I decided against it because of my African Grey. I believe that once the bird has totally bonded with you and you bring in another bird, (which, you know will totally consume you for awhile) your Grey will suffer from the lack of attention he/she is getting. So, in all fairness to your Grey, serious thought and time has to go into your decision. I'm sure it can be done, but at what cost to your Grey? This is what stopped me from pursuing it. I will always love Macaws, but my African Grey has to come first. Dave has valid points in his message and it appears that you are taking them seriously... Think long and hard before you do something that you may regret. Kevin

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Not the answers i wanted but i know your both right. I know in the back of my mind two birds would not be right. Its tuff, Rambo is so far a fantastic bird but he's not a macaw. But you cant just swap a family member, if you could i would have swapped my sister years ago. lol

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I have been giving this a lot of thought, as you really hit something in me. I really do feel what you're going through, and I, like you, came to this forum for advice. Dave is right when he states that their are many people here that have two or more parrots. I know they will respond and perhaps give you more of an insight into this matter. Here is a suggestion and take it for what it's worth. Have you considered a rescue macaw or one that needs to be rehomed? It would most likely be an older parrot and perhaps is settled down. If your Grey is not clipped and is free to fly, then perhaps getting a macaw that was previously clipped would allow you to have both birds out getting your attention. In time, you could let the macaw get it's wing feathers again, and by the time it did, both birds would have established their boundries and less chance that a fight would occur. I doubt if the grey would bother the macaw when it was perched in the same room, but even if it did, you could easily dissuade it from doing that without fear that the macaw would fly off and attack him. Is your grey clipped or free flighted? This is just a thought, but one perhaps worth thinking about. I'm sure there are many wonderful macaws that need a loving and wonderful home that you could adopt. I'm sure if you hang in there someone will have the answer you've been looking for and with perserverence you will make the best possible decision... whatever that is. I don't believe that it can't be done, but others will have good advice if you do choose to get a macaw and explain how they did it. Best of Luck to you, Kevin

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No my Grey is not clipped, to be honest I'm not a fan of clipping. Rambo is very social and meets up with Elvis my girlfriends bird at least once a week. They have sleep overs in each others cages. lol. This mad desire to have a macaw must have always been there as Ive had one before, i should not have let people talk me out of it when i was getting another bird. But i really feel its too late now. I have a bond with Rambo that no way will i risk. I did think because these two bird where so different that they would be best buddies.

If i was at home all the time i may have had a chance, but i'm out at work, Rambo just comes with me.


Is there anyone on here in same boat or as done it had a grey then got a macaw after.

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Just been thinking this afternoon. When I had buster a blue and gold macaw. We already had a African grey. The grey was at home first. I never gave it a second thought. Yes I was younger and more stupid back then. But do you know it was never a problem. Just expected them to get on and they did. Mind you I will add the African grey absolutely hated me lol.

Edited by Streetwise
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Its all just a matter of chance whether a new bird will cause problems for you can't know the individual personality of the one you are adding, some will blend right in and some will not, the only way to know is to try but there are a lot of members here who have more than one bird, most of us are not satisfied with just one and we get several.

You are the only one who can make this decision, only you know if having a macaw is worth the risk but things change all the time.

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Well. I've made a appointment next Saturday to view and talk to a breeder that as a 14 week old green wing hen. I've got a week to learn as much as possible on this macaw. I need to make sure it's the right bird from the macaw family. I know everyone on every forum think this is the wrong thing to do but personally I think i just need to try it. I'm hoping I'll be complete and have a fun happy family.

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I'm not really sure that people think it's wrong. I think it's more likely that people figure you already know all the positives so they are just pointing out the possible negatives. I have a hahn's macaw, an african senegal and just added a TAG. I also have 2 big dogs. I wouldn't call that ideal but there is no one that would have been able to talk me out of getting the TAG. I'm just taking the negatives, adjusting and making it work. :cool:

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Is there a rescue you could volunteer at and get your Macaw fix? Maybe while there you would meet a personality that could fit in with your life with Rambo. One good thing about a rescue, their personality is established, so you'd know if it likes other birds, other people, etc...

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I don't think it's wrong... It's a personal decision and one that I hope will bring you joy and happiness. Determination and a positive attitude can make even the impossible become possible. So, I am happy for you and have really good feelings that you WILL make this work. I wish you all the best in this endeavor. Please let us all know how it's going...

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What do you reckon to this ?. I have rang the breeder that i got Rambo off. She invited me Louise and Rambo up to meet three ready to go Blue and gold macaws. See what we thing, see how Rambo behaves. These birds are sold its just a meet and play day. Dawn our breeder says Rambo was as a baby brought up with macaws, if he does not appear to be happy round them now, my decision is made.

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I had similar thoughts the 10 years that I had my Amazon but mine were about wanting a grey. I always wanted one & secretly wished for an African grey. For 10 years I thought of owning one but deep down I knew that having two parrots for me would be too much of a commitment so I left it. Every Time I seen somebody's grey it made me want to go get one right away but again I knew that it would not be the right thing to do, so unusualy for me I followed my sensible side & stuck with just my Amazon. I didn't want him to get neglected because of a new grey. Then after 10 years my Amazon went to live with his Mum (my ex) & I finally got the grey that I'd always wanted & I'm glad I waited for the right time.


You do need to listen to your instincts with these matters as they are not to be taken lightly. If you really feel that you can give a macaw a good & loving forever home along with your grey then go for it but that has to really come from the heart. If you have any doubts at all I would say leave it be & be happy with just your Grey & know that that you made the right decision for everybody involved.

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There are lots of people past and present on this forum who have more than one parrot - and I seriously take my hat off to them. I've had birds all of my life - but Harvey was my first parrot. I knew from bringing him home that there would NEVER be another bird brought into this house to live with, or alongside Harvey. It's too much work with one, let alone another one.


Forgive me if I've missed this point - but you've said you've owned both macaws and greys in the past - it was a shame when you had to givethem away? Can I ask why? It's just that unless something seriously catastrophic happens in Harvey's lifetime, I expect him to outlive me and that I be his "forever home".


At the end of the day, it is your choice whether you get another bird to accompany your grey - but considering it obviously didn't work in the past, then unless circumstances are completely different, why would you feel it would work in the future?


I'm sure that Rambo will bring you all the joy and devotion that you crave from adding a macaw - why don't you just be happy with your lot!! Jill x

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Thanks Jill for your input. It did work before Barney and Buster got on very well i was happy with my family i even had a one year old child. The reason I had to let go was my family broke up and I had to work many hours. I had no where for the birds are the time. They where re housed as it was better for them.

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I'm one of those with multiple birds. Two african greys, an umbrella 'too, two sun conures, a panama amazon and four parakeets. Quite a load. They each have very distinct and individual personalities. Dixie's true love is my husband, she tolerates me but she is the ring leader of the flock and is respected as such, especially since she was the first. She is very jealous of the other birds and demands special time just for herself. That said - so do the rest of them. I am very fortunate that I work from home and can spend almost all day with them, letting them out at different times and giving each undivided attention. That's what makes it work in my house. I also have a house full of people who delight in sharing their day with each of the birds once they get home from work/school so it is not a burden on any one of us, but even if I were the only one who lived here, I could easily keep up with their needs, it's a matter of "want to" as opposed to "have to." You make your decisions and then be the responsible person and accept your responsibilities and all should be fine, but only after weighing carefully how much time you will be taking away from the first to give to the second.

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Ive been looking into this now for a couple of weeks. Ive done nothing but scan the Internet for information. (I'm self employed i let the shop run its self lol). I think i can do it. Rambo will not loose out at all. Rambo goes everywhere with me, he's small and i have a loverly carry cage. Rambo comes to work and is in the main area of the shop, he see lots of people. He also as Wednesday, Thursday and the weekends off (stays at home), these are the days I'm at home all night so he gets his time there. For my new bird, he will live in my office Its a big office with a nice window (its got security shutter at night). He will have approx a 6 ft x 4 ft x 4 ft cage, he will stay there Monday to Friday (may be Saturday morning). There is no reason why he cant play out at work with me. Ive read on macaw forums that the macaw will be suited to dusk till darn relationship as they 1, need there sleep and 2, can be grumpy at night. I don't leave work till 6 PM or 7 PM every night. So i think it will be great fun.

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You seem to have your mind set on another macaw - only you know the adjustments that will have to be made in order that your feathered family runs smoothly! Good luck x


I like your reasoning for the macaw not coming to the shop with you - the description is about the same as a husband! I understand entirely!!

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I need to let you know that I took my own advice and now have a b/g macaw. He is a rehome and is five years old. Your post made me think long and hard about it and in doing so, I came up with what I believe will work for me. Thanks to this thread I have acquired a new challenge and one that I look forward to. My grey will always be my first love, but I know that I have enough love in me to share with two birds of high intelligence. I'm hoping that in time they will become friends or at the least be able to tolerate each other. Even if they don't, I will divide my time between the two of them. Enough about me... this is your thread and I just wanted to let you know what I did. I am going to post my own thread, as I need the expert advice that you can only find here. Best of luck to you....


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