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Is it "normal" for a 6 month old grey to "chatter" all day long?


I mean... ALLLLLL DAAAAAAAAY. He whistles a lot, but most of is just blah blah blah...


so, is it normal? Sometimes he even gets screaming, and it's always AT something, like the twirly toy we made him, or oe of the bolt heads in his cage.

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There is nothing like a grey screaming and playing hard with there toys. He is growing up he is learning he is trying to make sounds he is exploring and he is having fun.

Kids play hard when they are young and settle down as they grow. This is just a kid growing up enjoy.

Edited by Ray P
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Haha i start to think Sully and my Happy is quite similar - she is only 3 months old, but she chatter all day as well.. and she loves attacking her toys making the "junglescreams" as we call it. She babbles all the time - only time she is quiet is when she is asleep or napping during the day, and of course eating :D

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I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to jinx myself but my little 4 month old boy has been pretty quiet. Apparently just thinking it was the jinx. Right about that moment he started chattering away. It was like he was trying to practice all sorts of different sounds and at least one whistle. It was hilarious! (I'm just kidding about the jinx part. I definitely want to hear his voice...just not before I'm ready to get up in the morning.) :cool:

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Sounds perfectly normal to me :) Cosmo is just over 6 months and spends a great deal of time babbling as well. He learned his first word from all my responses to some of the silly noises he makes. He'll make some silly noise and I'll say "whaaat was that!?" and he'll stop for a second and respond with "Whaaat?!" then continue with his rant. Cracks me up every time...which is why he also knows how to laugh like a madman lol


He too will scream when he is really hyper and playing rough, always directed at whatever toy he is roughing up. Doesnt happen too often maybe once or twice a day. Its generally right after I get home from work when he is really excited that its play time.

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