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Dee, Kopi and Juno


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I really am the lucky one here. I had a two lifetimes of love from my little boys and now another one with the friends I made on this forum. It takes someone very special to raise up a bird in the midst of familiy, other pets, jobs and life in general. You are all just the best and I go to sleep with you on my mind and I wake up in the morning feeling blessed.

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It takes someone very special to raise up a bird in the midst of familiy, other pets, jobs and life in general.


....and someone even more special to give a home in the knowledge that you would probably be saying goodbye to two very sick birdies. Dee - you under rate yourself - you are the special one. To go through what you did with Juno and THEN to do it again with Kopi takes someone special. xxx

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  • 3 months later...

Not a day passes that I don't still hear the happy grey whoops in my heart. I don't know when I was happier or felt such a sense of purpose. I am in the design stages of a second tribute quilt. I am hearing more rumblings about the raffle going national, having pay pal and turning into a pretty big thing. I still have sad moments and my husband, family and all my friends tell me I should be getting another grey. If it is meant to be, it will be and until then, I read all your posts and rejoice for the happiness your birds bring to me through this forum. You all are very dear to me.

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  • 11 months later...

A year has made a difference in my life. Just a month after posting to this thread, Gilbert came into our lives. The tribute quilt did go national and I have never had the heart to ask the monetary value that was placed on it. What I do know is the lady who was drawn for the raffle had put upwards of four hundred dollars into her tickets and I am pleased to know it is in the home of someone who cherishes it. I saw something today that touched my soul and reminded me of my lost boys and what they meant to my life. My favorite art quilt magazine is called Quilting Arts Magazine. My subscription ran out last month and I wondered if I should renew. I couldn't stand not looking at the newest issue and have been watching the bookstore for a month. When I found the cover of the new magazine, I know I have to renew my subscription. http://www.interweavestore.com/Quilting/Magazines/Quilting-Arts-February-March-2012.html?SessionThemeID=7 You can click on the smaller picture of the magazine cover and it will enlarge to show you some of the detail. This quilt is not mine, but it speaks to my heart. Then, as I read the article, the story was compelling. The artist Susan Brubaker Knapp was inspired by the poem of Emily Dickenson from "Part One: Life, XXXII" http://www.bartleby.com/113/1032.html I am held in awe at this combination. I miss my sweet boys, but they meant something in life and they are part of my soul forever.

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I have been wondering how the raffle was going. It's lovely to know it's been won by someone who obviously really wanted it.

I think it must have been one of the hardest things imaginable for you to go through what you went through, not once, but twice, but we are believers that everything happens for a reason. These birds came into your life, I think perhaps because they were meant to have you, as much as you were meant to have them. I hope now, that you are a little further down the road, that the happy memories of your boys, by far outweigh the sad ones. xx

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I do believe the loss of my boys was preparing me to be here and ready when Gilbert was in need. I know I wouldn't have been ready or nearly as patient nor as capable of handling him had it not been for the trials and the full experience of loving and letting go. I still am touched by the wonderful moments that brought me to where I am today. I couldn't have made this journey alone and embraced the best parts of living with Gilbert without the support and encouragement of wonderful people I met through this forum. You are all part of my heart and I am grateful to be in the company of others who hold their companions to such high esteem.

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