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LOST African Grey Parrot


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Oh no, I hope your much loved grey is found soon. The winter wheather in MA is already setting in and thats a very cold and harsh environment for a grey to be exposed to.


Did you cross post on the parrot 911 and other boards such as craigslist, print and post fliers all over the area etc?


Please update us if you get a chance.

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Haven't seen this on Craigs list yet....but the nights have been windy, rainy and 30 degrees. I have little hope that this poor bird can survive these temps with all the hawks out and about this time of year. Hopefully someone found him pretty quickly and he is safe...:(

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Don't give up hope! Keep going, even when you are tired and feeling down. Someone may have him, and be trying to find his owner. So keep putting up flyers, knocking on doors, and talking to kids. (Kids love monetary rewards! Tell them whoever finds him gets a reward and you can bet they will be looking!) Also, if I may, maybe edit your post to remove how much the reward is. Some people will hold out for more money, so just put "reward," instead of a specific number. (Just a suggestion.)


Stay on it - and may you be reunited very soon.

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