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I Need help please.......!!!!!

Guest Akram

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Dear all of you ,

i would like to asking you about so many things about Congo African Grey parrot.., i'm just a new member with yours Websites...,

actually i just bought a new one and he is 4 years old because my daughter want one., and he is acting like crazy, screaming too much and when anyone just b near of his cage he just screaming and open his beak and when i put a water in the cage or even a food he is screaming and open his beak and looking to bite my hands.. specially my fingers,

i just have it from 9 day's go..., and there's something happened make me totally sad yesterday, i was open his cage and he is already out and i just talking with him so much and actually he like my wife more than me, and suddenly when i just trying to let him step up he bite me very very fast and even without notice..,any way i just put him in the cage and said good night, and today when i trying to say hello good morning he just screaming in front of me and don't want even to take a food from my hand, and i don't know why he hate me like this specially me not my wife, actually my wife acting with him from far away and she scared from him, sorry of being talking that much....,

can you please Help me in this how to make him relax with me and my family and how to train him and how to make him talk even a words or even make him fine move an so on...,

looking forward to hearing from you


Edited by Akram
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Akram, you need to give this bird some time to settle into his new home, he is a 4 year old grey and almost mature so he has already developed his own personality and it takes longer for him to unpack his bags. Do you know anything about his previous home or owners that might help you with his adjustment process?

Please give him plenty of time and some space right now, you do not want to force him to do anything he is not comfortable with, never push him and let him decide when he is ready for interaction, you have to earn a grey's trust and it takes time and much patience on your part.

Thank you for giving this grey a new home but keep some distance between you and him as long as he growls and screams when you approach his cage, yes you do have to feed and water him but otherwise let him calm down for they stress out easily and you forcing yourself on him will not help as it will only hurt the relationship you want to develop with him.

He will talk if and when he feels comfortable so don't rush things. I am sorry but I am of the opinion you got this bird strictly because it is one that usually talks and on a whim because your daughter wanted it, I hope you realize you have taken on quite a responsibility for greys have needs besides just feeding and spending time in a cage, he needs your love and attention for the remainder of his life which could be 50 years or more.

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Thank you so much for your feedback Mr.judygram,

actually as far as i know from the man who's sell this parrots i asking him about his own personality, he said i was not have a time for him and i just let him out of the cage all of the time and i didn't try to make him step up on my hand Never and ever,

actually one of my friend till me why you decide to take him why you buy this wild parrots actually i feel from the time i look at him that he's fine and have a good healthy this is as far as i know from so many things his eye's and his feathers everything is ok his leg,

but as you said it will going to take a plenty of time and patients to acting with him, that's why he like my wife more than me,

so your opinion is just give him a food and water and didn't sit next him or even talk with him for a time being or open even his cage to go out or what's your opinion,

Sorry if i push over you in my question's,

All the best wishes ,

Looking forward to hearing from you



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Please do sit by as close as he will allow and talk to him, you can read him the newspaper or a magazine just as long as you are talking to him in a soft voice, tell him how pretty he is and so on, just don't push, he will let you know when you get too close. It does take time to establish a relationship with him especially since he is older than a baby grey so be patient.

Yes he may like your wife more than you right now and the relationship with one of you may be different from the one with the other but that is the way of the grey so do not be disappointed if he never is as receptive of you as your wife but you both can have a good one with him just maybe a little differently.

Take your time as this bonding and learning to trust you will take weeks, months or maybe longer but it will be worth it when it happens.

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Thank you in advance for your cooperations and informations

wishing to you all the best ;)

See ya, and i will going to keep you updated if this is not going to disturbing you ;)



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Yes, Akram, please do keep us updated on how your grey is doing.


Judygram has given you some good advice. You will have to be very patient and give him time to get used to you. A grey parrot is a very intelligent animal. All he knows is that he has suddenly been taken from his home and now finds himself in a strange place with strange people. Imagine how frightened a small child would be if that happened! That is how your grey feels.

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Actually i would like to thank all of you for your Feedback and your supportive information,i will going to keep you updated as much as i can, all the best wishes.

by the way i will going to call him Kiko

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by the way i add the picture of my parrots in my profile picture that's why i didn't have enough experience of how to upload lots of pictures here, but i will going to upload so many of it ASAP,

my best regards,


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actually i'm speechless from all good and cooperative people here,

i would like to inform you that today in early morning when i wake up i put some sun food to Kiko but actually he didn't touch it and when i open the cage and going to change the water i found him out of his cage, i left him out and put the water and food in the cage, is this is right or shall i put him in the cage, !!!!!!!???

he like him self when he's out of the cage he going to b refresh and moving around, and looking and looking, but still afraid of me, should i keep him in the cage for the beginning period or shall i left him out???!!!!

thanks in advance ;)

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He will be happier when he is out. As long as there is someone in the house who can put him back in the cage in case you have to leave the house. It isn't safe for him to stay out of the cage without someone to watch him because he might fly down and get into things like chewing on electrical wires.

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It sounds like you have received good advice here and that your doing a great job in letting him get used to the new home environment at his comfort level, which wanting to come out of the cage and hang out is a great first step.


I am looking forward to reading your answers to the above questions. :)

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Actually yes totally i'm receiving a wonderful cooperation and i'm really speechless to doing anything except;) ((i appreciate all of this kindly information really and cooperative advice,:)

yes i let him out of his cage today as Msr. Barbara said and Mr.judygram and actually all of you, but the problem here is when i trying to put Kiko again in his cage he just opening his beak and trying to bite me totally if i come near to him, should i let him going in by his self or i should push over him to know that this is his place and he have to return back to his cage after playing time out???!!




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For now, the first thing to try is to make no food available outside of his cage so he has to go in to eat. Then let him see you putting a special treat in his food bowl and he may go in on his own. Then you can praise him and tell him what a good boy he is! The more positive you can make all of the experiences right now, the better.

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heheheh :)

actually i forget this

it's a kind of Sun Seed, and eggs and nuts so on...,

actually i will going to try what's said and let you know the result ASAP,

Best wishes



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