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new baby on the way


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We are all excited here that we have a new timneh grey baby on the way She was born beginning of August so we still have a few weeks to wait before she is ready to come home but her cage is all ready and i'm reading my "for the love of greys" book a second time


I've been enjoying reading your forum for a while now and I can't wait to begin participating


2010 Oct Babies 071.jpg

2010 Oct Babies 081.jpg

2010 Oct Babies 077.jpg

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Welcome Crystal! And thanks for the pictures. What sweet babies! I also just got a TAG. His hatch date was June 3 and he has been home with us for just about 3 weeks. He has been wonderful! I can't wait to hear more about your experiences with your new baby.

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Oh congratulations on your new baby TAG, Crystal!!!!! Have you been able to go visit and choose the one for you? I hung around here for two months before my Ana Grey came home and learned a lot. If you can't find the answer to a question you have in the many threads of this forum, just ask and someone will be by to help. Welcome to the Grey family!!!

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We won't be able to visit, our new baby will have to fly here when she she comes home. I really wanted to meet her and have her "pick us out" before we bought her, but there was no one local (and by that I mean 6 hour drive one way) that has babies coming in the near future. But this breeder came very well recomended.


  luvparrots said:
Oh congratulations on your new baby TAG, Crystal!!!!! Have you been able to go visit and choose the one for you? I hung around here for two months before my Ana Grey came home and learned a lot. If you can't find the answer to a question you have in the many threads of this forum, just ask and someone will be by to help. Welcome to the Grey family!!!
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I need some suggestions for where in the house to place the cage? We have a loud busy house with lots of kids most of the loud kid type behaviors happen in the rec room downstairs-- This is NOT where the cage will be -- When I had my beautiful senegal his cage was in the kitchen next to the computer and I really liked it there, but this new cage won't fit there and my husband was always telling me how the kitchen was the most inapropriate place for the bird cage (you know fumes and smoke from burnt food kind of things) so i'm thinking in a corner in the living room but the TV is on alot in that room and I'm not sure if our new bird wants to watch Dora the explorer all day or when my husband is home war shows.


So the other alternative would be the dining room but i'm concerned about people being able to walk by without our bird being able to know they are coming our budgies are currently in that location and they freak out everytime someone walks by


Is the constant tv noise a problem? (the bird will have a sleep cage in a nother room)

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  crysmom said:
I need some suggestions for where in the house to place the cage? We have a loud busy house with lots of kids most of the loud kid type behaviors happen in the rec room downstairs-- This is NOT where the cage will be -- When I had my beautiful senegal his cage was in the kitchen next to the computer and I really liked it there, but this new cage won't fit there and my husband was always telling me how the kitchen was the most inapropriate place for the bird cage (you know fumes and smoke from burnt food kind of things) so i'm thinking in a corner in the living room but the TV is on alot in that room and I'm not sure if our new bird wants to watch Dora the explorer all day or when my husband is home war shows.


So the other alternative would be the dining room but i'm concerned about people being able to walk by without our bird being able to know they are coming our budgies are currently in that location and they freak out everytime someone walks by


Is the constant tv noise a problem? (the bird will have a sleep cage in a nother room)


I hope to be a TAG companion in the near future. I currently have a senegal, so this is more of a general opinion about birds. Anyway, when it comes to TV noise it might not be the best place if it's all day, but put into perspective how much noise a parrot makes. They've evolved to handle noise. I will work at my home workstation with with video or sound or just catching up on TV online. Pro speakers at a comfortable close range volume. Despite all this sound my Senegal prefers to nap on my shoulder if I'm home during the day. She's got full run of the place (she's fully flighted) she could nap at a number her favorite hangouts but prefers my shoulder in front of near field monitors. It's my opinion that a lot of birds would rather be around consistent familiar sounds than too much quiet. In a lot of wild environments quiet can mean somethings wrong or a predator is approaching. Point is, for a noisy bird, a little noise never hurt. As long as he has some quiet time during the day I would put him in the more active living room.

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Yes her name will be Senorita :) but Rita for short


I have five kids, so when we get an animal there is alot of "discussion" aka arguing about what to name it. So this time I introduced the photos of the bird to the kids as "Rita" like she was already named and it worked wonders


I didn't want another parrot named "Ducky" like our senegal was :) thanks to our children


So everyone is excited about Rita


Thanks for asking

  tbird said:
Welcome Crystal! Any name yet for your wonderful looking TAG?
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Congratulations on your new addition to your family! Our CAG spends his days in the living room on his playstand in the center of all the activity and his nights and times we are not home (which is not often that someone is not home) in his cage in our bedroom. He does not seemed bothered by anyone walking by including the dog...who anxiously awaits for Dante' to drop a treat from his treat bowl :). He plays on his playstand and watches the family/tv/dog/etc. As for not knowing when someone is coming by...I don't know about other folks' greys but Dante' always seems to know when someone or something is approaching even without them making a sound...no sneaking up on him:).

Edited by lindaleekoh
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Your TAG might enjoy having her cage in an active area, as long as it's not TOO active, like thrown toys hitting the cage or something. :) Some greys can be bothered by the noise and fast movements of small children. You'll just have to monitor your new baby's reactions.


Wherever you put the cage, be sure at least one side is against a wall or some other solid barrier. This gives a bird a sense of security. Our CAG has his cage in the dining room in a corner, so it is nice and cozy. He can't see people approaching from one side of the open-ended dining room, but he doesn't seem to mind, as long as they don't startle him by rushing right up to his cage or something.


You will have to teach your smaller children that Rita's cage is her "safe place" and that she is to be left alone when she is in her cage. No poking things into the cage, etc. I'm sure I don't need to say that, really, since you have had a parrot before.


Can't wait to hear about Rita's happy homecoming!

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Thanks Birdnut


My kids wouldn't throw things at the cage or poke things inside :)


they are all used to birds


My concern was about constant noise because I feel we are a noisy family but there would be some reprieve for Rita 4 out of 5 kids go to school for 6 hours a day so its not always noisy here I don't think my children had any negative impact on our senegal except for encouraging the bite, because they really wanted to "pet" the bird and well, birds aren't dogs or cats.


When Rita arrives I have told the children that they are not going to be petting her at all and that Rita would appreciate them sitting by the cage reading to her and maybe some treats out of their hands (our senegal used to love hand fed treats) so I think they know what to expect. And hopefully it will be a smooth transition for Rita

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Rita will get used to your home with all its noises and things going on and that is wise to keep the children at a distance for a while and let them gain her trust but it looks like you have the right attitude and I see things going smoothly for you, now just when is Rita coming to her new home?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Although I feel like this was the longest wait ever for Rita to come home, we have gotten notice that she is all weaned and is an accomplished flier and is ready to come home YEAHHHH! so we are waiting on news of her flight and excited for her to get here hopefully monday


Here is an updated picture of her BabyTimmiesSept2010032.jpg




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