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Is Bird Poop Deadly


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My friend recently came over and witnessed my bird pooping on a regular basis and was thoroughly disgusted. I am so used to it, but he was like...actually afraid to breathe the air in my apartment. For fear of some disease that might go airbourne and kill him. He was also warning me about bringing my daughter over and having her I guess...get a fatal illness. What is the word on Parrot crap. Is it deadly. Has anyone ever gotten seriously ill?

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3 Diseases Humans Can Get From Bird Poop



Histoplasmosis is a disease caused by a fungus, which grows in pigeon droppings. It also grows in soils and is found throughout the world. When cleaning droppings a person may breathe in some of the fungus, which in cases of high exposure can cause infection. Common activities, such as cleaning off windowsills, will not result in high exposures.

Symptoms of histoplasmosis begin to appear about 10 days after initial infection and include fatigue, fever, and chest pains. Most people, however, do not show any symptoms. Those with compromised immune systems such as cancer patients or people living with HIV/AIDS are generally more at risk of developing histoplasmosis.




Cryptococcosis is another fungal disease associated with pigeon droppings and also grows in soils throughout the world. It is very unlikely that healthy people will become infected even at high levels of exposure. A major risk factor for infection is a compromised immune system. Researchers at Albert Einstein Collage of medicine in the Bronx found that 70% of urban children have been exposed to Cryptococcosis.




Psittacosis (also known as ornithosis or parrot fever) is a rare infectious disease that mainly affects parrots and parrot-like birds such as cockatiels, and parakeets, but may also affect other birds, such as pigeons. When bird droppings dry and become airborne people may inhale them and get sick.

In humans, this bacterial disease is characterized by: fatigue, fever, headache, rash, chills, and sometimes pneumonia. Symptoms develop about 10 days after exposure. Psittacosis can be treated with a common antibiotic

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Cleaning poop is my constnat job. Me and my apartment are getting crapped on at a high frequency. He drops lunch all the time and to me...it's like a mechanical reaction to get up grab a paper towel and clean up. Sometimes I don't even realize I did it. I vacuum every day. I figure I would have been dead by now if bird poop was deadly. Say I have Issac for 1 year...and he craps in my apartment at least 10 times a day....thats 3,650 poops!!!

Edited by Elvenking
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... my dad use to make us scrape his pigeon coupe when we were kids... Maybe thats why my brother has some problems, haha jk. I also have rolls of paper towels in almost every room, I shred them in half so I can try to save them and $. Babalu does not fly yet, so I think clean ups will only get harder when he does:)

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Yes...flight does spread to 'love' if you will. And if you have a shoulder bird like me...better have a special shirt handy for hanging around the house. I call em 'Bird Shirts'. Issac seems to think nothing of leaving me a gift at will. I don't even think he has a filter for where he poops...it's just time to poop!

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Yes...flight does spread to 'love' if you will. And if you have a shoulder bird like me...better have a special shirt handy for hanging around the house. I call em 'Bird Shirts'. Issac seems to think nothing of leaving me a gift at will. I don't even think he has a filter for where he poops...it's just time to poop!


One day I was teaching in my classroom with a group of high school kids. They kept giggling and laughing and not paying a BIT of attention to what I was saying. Finally a girl said, "You have something on the back of your shirt." I had my Hahn's macaw out on my shoulder before I went to work. So I had bird poop on my back. LOL! I always wore something over me from that day on.

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A large old towel with a hole cut in it for the head, poncho style, works wonders for catching poops. Just don't forget to take it off before you go out.


LMAO!!!! I haven't thought of that. BUT. I have gone out with a "Bird Shirt" on. Streaks down my back. Figuring this out when you are walking in a public area is less than cool. "Oh god I forgot to change out of the poop shirt."

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I don't think anyone here in this bird family let's their bird pop sit for any length of time where it could do any harm........It's just a way of life.....cleaning bird poop. In my house with 3 flying birds, it can be a full time job!!

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Another poop thread!?! LOL!


Oh well, we all know that keeping parrots is not for faint-hearted! I have a little plaque hanging in my house that says, "Poop happens."


I also have "bird shirts" that are not only pooped upon, but have holes chewed in them. :)

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I hope you enjoy this

I was a Vol. firefighter for 31 years so when the pager goes off you head for the station for your gear and truck and you never think about changing your shirt so some times you get some bird poop in your gear

There is a up side to this. Nobody will ask to use your stuff.

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I don't know why some people are so worried about bird poop. I have 2 lorikeets, who have incredibly watery poo due to their diet. One of them, Sam, loves to hang off the side of the cage and squirt a meter or so into the dining area. Or on my face, as the case once was. Was face to face with her, blowing kisses and what not, when she decided to let one go which hit me right on the mouth.

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How realistic is potty training a grey? There are a few methods for this.. I've heard people have been able to get the bird to tell them when the bird needs to go.. "go bathroom! ok, fly to perch" Or the bird flies to a designated 'pooping perch' anytime they need to go.


Any thoughts?

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I don't know why some people are so worried about bird poop. I have 2 lorikeets, who have incredibly watery poo due to their diet. One of them, Sam, loves to hang off the side of the cage and squirt a meter or so into the dining area. Or on my face, as the case once was. Was face to face with her, blowing kisses and what not, when she decided to let one go which hit me right on the mouth.


Note to self.. don't sass a Lorikeet.

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You also have an air cleaner going don't you? From your descriptions I think you're a Very neat guy. Some people have become real germaphobes, with the obsession with anti-bacterial everything. We need some exposure to stay healthy with healthy immume systems. IMO, it's your friend who has a problem (although telling him this probably wouldn't help the situation) I guess he's now an 'outside the house' friend! <3

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I have also had someone tell me that bird poop is bad. I have said isn't most of anything someone does bad? Better one yet.. A few weeks ago Diva and I were standing in my front door of the house when one of my neighbors walked by and saw us. Knowing this neighbor most of my life he comes up to the door and is talking with me about how sweet and pretty Diva was. As he is walking off he turns to me and said " You know they say people who have birds get cancer right?" my reply was breathing this air we breath can cause just about anything now days. He didn't say another word and walked away. That for some reason just really ticked me off.

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" You know they say people who have birds get cancer right?" my reply was breathing this air we breath can cause just about anything now days. He didn't say another word and walked away. That for some reason just really ticked me off.


HAHA. I must say that was really funny. Isn't it just amazing how some people think themselves higher than other animals? Some people will just never understand. What a loss for them!

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You also have an air cleaner going don't you? From your descriptions I think you're a Very neat guy. Some people have become real germaphobes, with the obsession with anti-bacterial everything. We need some exposure to stay healthy with healthy immume systems. IMO, it's your friend who has a problem (although telling him this probably wouldn't help the situation) I guess he's now an 'outside the house' friend! <3


Yes...I indeed do have an air cleaner too. It's silly, I pick up afterhim constantly so I can't see any harm in some bird poop. He's a beautiful bird. :)

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