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Talon is 5 Years Old Today!


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Today is Talon's 5 Year Hatchday!


She has always been a very sweet girl. She is the only one who like to talk in sentences, not just words....:)


She sang Happy Birthday with me to herself over and over! Plus she got a new favorite toy! A popcorn box with streamers and toys in it!



HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALON!!!!!! Your family loves you!

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Hi Everyone...TALON here:


Thank you for all the Birthday Wishes. I had a great day, in fact, my birthday was 3 days ago and I am still singing "Happy Birthday" every morning to Penny in hopes of getting more "forbidden Treats"....


Well, it must have worked, cause today, she came home with 4 bags of CANDY CORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My favorite!! I will go anywhere looking for it in my house. I usually find the candy bowl and get caught with beak fulls..then my mommy takes it away...:( but I usually figure out a way to get the cupboard door open for more..............SSSHHH!!!!!! Don't tell her, she thinks Melissa is eating it all, not me!!!!! :)

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MMmmmmmm, Candy Corn!!! Thanks for the Tip Talon....Dayo. I like to try and sneak a peanut M&M when Dan and Kim are not close enough to stop me from the candy bowl. Now, I must go exploring the cabinets for candy corn........Thanks for the heads up on it. :P

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