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check out this 10 year old grey

Codys Mom

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I just read this add , the lady is about 30 minutes from me that has this grey , I sent her an email but I'am kind of leary about adopting a 10 year old grey , plus she definitly has some health issues going on and I don't want to bring any type of sickness around my birds , if I was to quarenteen her she would still be in the same air space just another room ,I have to give this alot of thought any thoughts here?



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Quarantining any new bird is always sound practice. Adopting a grey in need of a forever home is a noble thing, and I do hope you will go ahead with it. Having said that, I think a vet visit ASAP would be in order. There may be a medical reason for the plucking, and in any case egg laying can severely deplete a bird's calcium stores.


Here's some articles on quarantining a bird:







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If its what you want to do then by all means adopt this grey in need of a new forever home and yes it would need to be checked out by your avian vet and Azzie has provided some links about quarantining, please let us know what you decide to do and good luck to you.

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What a sad short story that link contained. Plucking is not normally caused by disease and a vet visit as others have said would be the first priority. Quarantining in a separate room is always a good practice.


If you have the means, time and love to share with this grey, it would be great. :)

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I talked to hubby about her and showed him the add and he said noooo , we have already made plans to go to Ohio next year to an excellent breeder and adopt a baby boy and he does not want to jepordize that in any way, his heart is set on that baby boy but I really hope she gets an excellent home with lots of good food and TLC

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