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Dear Sully,


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Dear Sully,

Mommy and Daddy love you very very very much. We love to clean up after you, smoosh up bananas and hide them in your peanutbutter and buy the best of the best veggies so you're healthy. We love taking an hour out of every day to clean your cage, give you a shower (while becoming soaked ourselves) and check out all your toys to make sure they are safe. We love attempting to calm you down during a temper tantrum, fighting with you to get back earrings you have snatched from our ears while we weren't paying attention, and stepping in birdie poo at 3 am when we come out to get a drink in the middle of the night. We love separating you from the tail of poor Gizmo...and running after you when you are attempting to steal the cash that was sitting on the counter, and soda caps I am constantly dropping on the floor. We really enjoy watching you scream in delight at the twirly toy in your cage, and love making you the same toy over and over and over again because you broke the last one. But most of all, we LOVE hearing you honk, whistle, squeal, scream, giggle, chatter, laugh and tweet.

With that being said... can I PLEAAAAAAAAAAASE sleep past sunrise?? Like I said, I LOVE to hear you trying to learn to talk... but Mommy is very very tired, and we stay up late at night playing and talking so you can sleep all the way through the night! But remember... after you go to sleep, Mommy still has to clean up the fifty million toys we played with :)

All of your brothers and sisters have mastered keeping quiet past about 7 am... I would love an extra half hour of sleep!!!


Please consider?


A very tired Mommy.;)

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So far we've been very fortunate. Our older birds don't start making noise until they hear someone up and moving around. Since Neo is still a baby, we are not hearing him in the morning. I don't know if we can count on that continuing once he gets older.

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That is such a sweet letter to Sully, boy he doesn't know how much he is really loved and it is heart warming to hear how you feel about him, he is such a precious gift and may you always feel so lucky to have him in your life, thanks for sharing that letter with us, you are truly blessed.

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Ok Sully, you gotta listen up to your mommy's note to you!


Now, sleep! :)


I can totally relate...and I so feel for you! Although, it's not any one of my two birds, it's one of my dogs who gets up 1-3 times a night (she HATES the dark, btw) and my 4 year old daughter!


Would a darker cage or room help him sleep a bit longer?

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HEE HEE :) Thanks everyone!


Jingles- He's right by the patio door, on the wall facing the east... so he gets sun FIRST! lol, we've tried covering him... but I think he's afraid of the dark? He sleeps with a nightlight on in his room... and when I forget to turn it on, he honks til I remember. And his cage is too big for any other room :) Lol, we'll deal with it. I'm hoping maybe as he gets older and his vocab expands, he'll start talking, instead of screaming like Tarzan! But, if not... who needs sleep? :)

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That is such a sweet letter to Sully, boy he doesn't know how much he is really loved and it is heart warming to hear how you feel about him, he is such a precious gift and may you always feel so lucky to have him in your life, thanks for sharing that letter with us, you are truly blessed.


Couldnt of said it better myself :D

thanks for sharing - so sweet !!

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Dearest Mother, Thank you for explaining your side of the story, but how many times have I had to tell you how much work it takes me to put ALL those toys in precisely the proper arrangement. When the light of day uncovers your treachery of destroying my hard work, I must tell you once more to let me out of this confounded contraption. It is going to take the entire day of work for me to put them back. Unfortunately that means you must hurry to set me free so I can get started at my earliest convenience. They told me that humans are very bright and eager to be trained, but it seems I may have to call in reinforcements for my efforts. Love, Sully


LOL. I couldn't help myself. Soon we will change the clocks and perhaps that will help. Your letter made me laugh today.

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Dearest Mother, Thank you for explaining your side of the story, but how many times have I had to tell you how much work it takes me to put ALL those toys in precisely the proper arrangement. When the light of day uncovers your treachery of destroying my hard work, I must tell you once more to let me out of this confounded contraption. It is going to take the entire day of work for me to put them back. Unfortunately that means you must hurry to set me free so I can get started at my earliest convenience. They told me that humans are very bright and eager to be trained, but it seems I may have to call in reinforcements for my efforts. Love, Sully


LOL. I couldn't help myself. Soon we will change the clocks and perhaps that will help. Your letter made me laugh today.


HAHAHAHAH!!! I think that's exactly how Sully would react to me. He is currently fighting with my husband over the honey dipper we bought him, and attempting to hide it under the couch...

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you are so right! Sleep is over rated! lol...


My dog who gets me up all the time, actually slept last night! All night...granted, we didn't go to bed until 12:30, but she didn't get me up 1 hour after we went to sleep...


However, my daughter decided to put her milk cup (covered with a lid/straw) on my hip last night...so, i got woken up with cold milk seeping through my comforter, me and finally the sheet and onto the mattress. all I can do is laugh about it! it could be worse...

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Wow, good question Barbara2! I'd have to have the window shades like in that movie The Holiday. I'm so lucky, Kito just jabbers away pleasantly and plays with her toys in her sleeping cage until I go get her. I think it helps that she and Charlie are in a separate room with the door closed. Their windows face south and west which helps a bit too I imagine.

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I'm also really lucky with Dorian. He seems to know the mornings when I'm feeling really rough, and has always let me sleep in when I need to, as long as I go to him as soon as I wake up. He'll even let me nap during the day without making a sound, even if he's on a playstand right beside me. I always make sure to thank him and give him a 'good boy' treat when I'm up and around.

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