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African Grey and Cockateil


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Ok So I have Ms Diva the African Grey. Today my Aunt passed away and I was ask to bring her cockatiel home with me. So I did However, Is it a good idea to have them in the same room both are used to being out of the cage all the time. The cockatiel can fly very well. Diva can also a little bit. I am scared Diva might hurt him. Not sure!

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Thanks for taking in this baby. We have Grey's and 'Tiels, [and other large and small birds] and they all fly. We have a bird room for the smaller birds, the large birds get the whole house.LOL They are separated,, but there door is left open, and no one bothers no one, they stay in there own room. There could be a problem and then again there might not, Spock loves our Sun conure. I might suggest, shut all the doors in one room with both cages in it, invite a friend or two over, let your Grey out first, talk with him, then let the 'Tiel out and see what happens. The 'Tiel, might go for your Grey....Nether bird is a predator, so you never know. This is only a suggestion....Thanks Jay d

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We have 2 cockateils an african grey and a blue fronted amazon. We have the amazon and grey out to together under suppervison.

we don`t let the teils out with them because our zon will try to bite them. Our zon and grey will get along ok.

We have had them all out together and maby they might get along but we don`t take the chance.

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im in the same sort of situation as you i have a african grey,cockatiel and budgie,

i let the budgie out on its own, but our cockatiel isnt tamed and dont like being let out the moment, cause he just goes mad, so in away this thread has helped me too, for when he does come out his cage, cause i dont want them fighting.

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well i have been here in the same room with them for a couple hours doing work on the computer.So far so good. Diva is on her cage and eating some seeds and the cockatiel is sitting on his cage doing the same Diva did go over to her cage and check her out a little bit but the cockatiel flew away and Diva said Hey hey hey. haha which i thought was very funny. No fighting as of yet no bad words spoken *keeping my fingers crossed*.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok update. The two aren't going to be friends I don't beleive. Since my last post Diva has tried her best to just get a hold of the cockatiel. The cockatiel hasn't done anything to Diva. But Diva hates him so badly. The cockatiel will fly over on Divas cage and It don't matter where Diva is she trys her best to get at him. So I might have to place the cockatiel in a different room. Or find him a new home. Diva has also be acting a bit different the last few days. She has bit me several times she don't break the skin or anything just a bite to let me know she is pissed off about something. So the cockatiel might be causing this problem. Maybe she is jealous or just hates the cockatiel being here period. I really hate rehoming animal the poor little guy lost his home he had because of my aunt passing. But I can't have my Diva upset over him being here.

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Our amazon is a rehome and when she came home with us we made sure our grey always came out of her cage first and back last. She also is fed first so she does not give her place in the flock. This way Corky our grey is still no. one and Cricket has found her place in the flock. This worked for us.

Corky and the zon are ok and Corky and the teils are ok but the zon and the teils noway.

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Teresa are you doing everything for Diva first, first one fed, first one let out of cage and such, after all she was there first and being a grey to boot she needs to feel she is top bird, that may be one reason she is biting you when she normally wouldn't. I have a cockatiel too and she wants to fly over on my grey's cage, might be because it is bigger than the her cage and my grey will try to bite her toes so when she is out of the cage I have to keep a sharp eye on her. I think you can work something out so that you can keep the tiel.

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So this past week was a very long one our Grandfather passed away and I was very busy doing things for Grandma. However, the birds didn't get as much attention as normal. So lastnight and today they both have been very nice both our of their cages. No fighting or fussing Diva missed me I can tell. The teil missed me too i beleive even though he don't show it very well. I started doing things for the teil 1st then Diva this seem to have changed things a bit. I hope for the better. No Bites so far today No trying to bite the teil toes off. No dive bombs to Diva. ( maybe they just needed a time out)

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Sorry to hear about the passing of your Aunt, hopefully the tiel and you can find some comfort in each other :)


We have two lovies, two conures, and a grey. I think it depends on each birds own personality, as to who they will get along with. Our lovebird Romeo gets along with our Sun and Nanday, but cannot stand to be near our other lovie or Sully. Sully won't go near anyone, and Zoe doesn't like Joe.. it goes on and on, lol.

I would suggest allowing them to get used to each other presence for a few days, then perhaps letting them both out at the same time for a few minutes... they may get along right away, or they may never get along... it just depends on personality :)

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