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Say Hello to Lilly -=o)


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lilly seems to be quite settled in now. she is honing her flying skills. if we walk near her cage and hold our arm or hand up she is getting quite good at hopping over. max distance is about 3-4 feet so far but landings are getting much better.

also the dogs are getting used to her, they still get a lil freaked every so often when she decides to fly but i think its jealousy cause they cant to it lol.

we had treat time with the lot of them, lilly on shoulder and pups all sitting on the floor, each taking turns with treats

tina tried to get a pic but i dunno if it came out.

if it did i am sure she will post it up sometime today

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Lilly is flying more and more now and her landings are getting better still getting the odd crash landing but rome wasnt built in a day but i think shes doing great, well lillys had her harness for the last week in her cage with her to get used to it and i have been following the dvd that came with her harness stroking her over her eyes and lifting her wings for the count of 3 shes done really well with that too, today i put the harness over her head and she didnt seem to care that it was around her neck great news, i took it off and about 5 minutes later put it on over her head again in case the first time was a fluke but she seemed fine with it, will progress to the wings at a later date :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

hmm boy did i get a surprise this morning. i have lower back issues so normally dont make it through a full nights sleep. this morning i came downstairs at around 3, made a cop o coffee and grabbed my laptop to waste some time for a bit since i had about 3 more hrs till i had to actually be up for work. i left the cover on her cage and sat down on the sofa...everything was nice and quiet for another 30-45 mins then she chirped a few times and i heard her moving to a diff perch, few mins later with me still sitting as quiet as i can i hear her start to mumble quietly. few mins in and i definitely heard the the word hello, here i am sitting here gobsmacked and a few mins later it sounded like she was trying the word pretty. she has never said the words out loud and i didnt think they were supposed to actually start talking for another 6-9 mos. she is kinda pathetic when it comes to copying whistles so far. i am figuring it was prolly a fluke or something that sounds just so happened to come out as words but nonetheless i thought it was awesome. next time she is mumbling i am gonna try to record it lol.

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I saw this earlier and wanted to post but got distracted by little ones. I have thought that I heard our baby boy sounding out words. It's almost like a baby practicing sounds. I know I've heard what might be words but they are not consistent. It really is like bringing up a human baby! We will understand what our baby is saying before strangers will pick it up.

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Congrats on the new fid! I've enjoyed reading all the updates and the pics, especially those concerning flying. Is Lily clipped at all? If not did you seek out a breeder that doesn't clip. I'm having trouble finding one locally.


Have you considered using a separate sleep cage. I'm a bit of a night owl and our fid's cage is in our main open space where I can be found at odd hours (not unlike yourself). So we roost her in a small cage in a vented closet with a white noise machine away from any late night activity. It helps prevent cage aggression, and is very natural for them to roost in a different area. Sometimes if Evie has had a long day and I keep her up too late she flies to her sleep cage. Food for thought. Keep the updates coming!

Edited by FirstPenguin
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the breeder we use never clipped her, dont think she likes seeing clipped birds to be honest because of all the different ones she had there (b&g, scarlets,amazons,conures,and greys) were all fully flighted.

this breeder was actually recommended by a different breeder because he didnt have any greys left from this season but knew our breeder did.

the separate cage isnt really an option, as we currently live in the UK house sizes are a bit more compact. the house we live in now is 3 bedroom and 720 sq foot living area.

even when i used to live in the states the apartment i had was 760 sq feet lol.

2012 we head back to the states and plan on going to the georgia area, will end up with a larger place there for sure with some land so our pups can run a bit more.

but until then i really dont think lilly is bothered when i get up, i make my coffee in the other room and then just plant myself on the couch near her cage with the lights still off and laptop on.

the cover we use is thick enough that i know she cant see the glow and she normally waits till just about 6 when she knows i am supposed to be up to start chirping and bell ringing till i take off her cover.

she has never shown any cage aggression so far aside from being a bit stubborn going in when its bed time lol.

Edited by Boom
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the breeder we use never clipped her, dont think she likes seeing clipped birds to be honest because of all the different ones she had there (b&g, scarlets,amazons,conures,and greys) were all fully flighted.

this breeder was actually recommended by a different breeder because he didnt have any greys left from this season but knew our breeder did.

the separate cage isnt really an option, as we currently live in the UK house sizes are a bit more compact. the house we live in now is 3 bedroom and 720 sq foot living area.

even when i used to live in the states the apartment i had was 760 sq feet lol.

2010 we head back to the states and plan on going to the georgia area, will end up with a larger place there for sure with some land so our pups can run a bit more.

but until then i really dont think lilly is bothered when i get up, i make my coffee in the other room and then just plant myself on the couch near her cage with the lights still off and laptop on.

the cover we use is thick enough that i know she cant see the glow and she normally waits till just about 6 when she knows i am supposed to be up to start chirping and bell ringing till i take off her cover.

she has never shown any cage aggression so far aside from being a bit stubborn going in when its bed time lol.


Understood, we're actually in a similar situation. We're in a small 1 bedroom NYC apartment, we try and give Evie 12 hours of darkness and as little fluctuation in the... soundscape around her. We're crazy like that. It really doesn't take up much space to do. We just put this travel cage on the top shelf of a closet away from our main space and cover it. It helps in the winter since we can use a small heating panel to heat just that small space and not worry how the main space fluctuates in an older building.

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  • 3 weeks later...

been a while since i threw an update up here so i will try to make it a quick rundown.

Lilly appears to be very content.

we swap toys in and out of her cage every few days and always make sure to introduce her to new things atleast every other day.

so far this has worked out good for us as she doesnt have any fear of new things being introduced into her cage.

her appetite seems quite healthy getting her fill of greens,pulses,carrot,beet,peppers,broccoli,cauliflower,green beans,runner beans and peas. with treats of pomegranate or fresh fig and a daily palm nut she doesnt really seem to touch then a supply of the harrisons pellets available all the time which she loves.

wifey seems to think lilly has a bit of an attitude, mind you she does spend more time at home with her during the day as i work a bit more so she does interact more with her.

couple times so far tina has been nipped, not enough to draw blood but more than is comfortable, from reports its pretty much when Lilly decides she wants something(treats like seeds or whatnot) and tina decides she has had enough and puts them away. or lord forbid if she shares Lillys treats with any of the dogs ( yes it does look silly with a bordeaux, a bullmastiff, a boxer and a bulldog sitting on the floor while Lilly is on tinas leg or arm of the sofa all taking turns getting sunflower seeds)

when she does nip tina picks her up and puts her in her cage and ignores her for a bit.

fortunately she hasnt nipped me yet, dunno why but i am not gonna knock it. only thing she does try to do with me is when she is resting on my shoulder and wants a head scratch, if i ignore her for too long she grabs the arm of my glasses and wont let go till i am scratching her head..time to look into contacts i think lol.

other than that she has been doing great, picking up and perfecting different little whistles although i have not heard her mumbling at all other than the one morning quite a while ago.

her most vocal time is the mornings when she pulls down the front of her cage cover to let us know she is awake, she comes out, relieves herself and skips off to the top of the door for morning preening and vocal lessons while i make her breakfast.

i will get some new pics in the next couple days and post em up.

cya soon

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