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hi everyone. jack seems ok but a sticky saliva is coming to our hand from his mouth when when we touch his beak. there is no avian vet in my country and a few vet who understands parrots but i couldnt find one in my city so taking to vet is not an option. can anybody understand whats going on with jack and help me


This is an answer that I found when I did an internet search (The question and answer are on this page)




Unfortunately without a veterinarian, the only part of the advice that would be helpful to you is to weigh him every day.

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I would advise you to find the nearest vet even if it means you have to travel a distance as this doesn't sound good to me and it should be checked out, a grey's mouth is relatively dry, this situation would concern me as it should you, please see what you can find out.

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Judy unfortunately the thing is vets in turkey arent trained about health of parrots only avian they know about is chicken

etc. Some dont even know what an african grey is. There is this microbiology expert doctor smthing interested in parrots who claims to make medicine for parrots i am gonna contact him monday but i dont trust him cause he claims that he reduce the amount of active ingredients in human medicine to treat parrots which didnt seem like the right thing.. It is hard to accept but it looks like there is nothing to do except pray that jacks immune system treat the disease

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This is only a suggestion, Does the crop also feel full...and soft with a sqwishy feeling? If so, I would strongly suggest that he go to a vet. When there is fluid accumulation in the crop there is also a high risk of aspiration.Sometimes this can also mean a infection, fungal or bacterial.You can safely give him a 1/2 teaspoon of lowfat plain yogurt twice a day... Question? Is it possible he's hormonal? and is regurgitating? Jayd

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Thanks for the advice jayd but no vet in my country are educated about diagnosing parrot diseases

He just turned 3 appears to be molting under his wings can this be related

He's reaching maturity. Question: Does he drop his wings and make little sounds and maybe pant? Does he act like he's "throwing-up"?[regurgitating] It's so hard with out being there...Suggestion: For now, don't pet him anywhere but the top of his head, and upper top neck. no back, wings, chest/belly or tail... Doe's he do this with both of you? or just one of you?, which one.....Thanks Jayd

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