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o.O ello


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got a grey on the way this sat, 12 week old picking up from a local breeder.

already got cage, toys, food, treats and prolly a ton of other bits i dont really need but all i can say is the new addition will never be hurting for anything.

between me and my wife its gonna end up spoilt in no time lol.

looking forward to picking some of your brains as i run across problems as i know its not an easy road but it is a road worth traveling.

cya in a few days with pics


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Congratulations on your new grey. Have you picked out a name yet? I know how excited you are as I had to wait 2 months before I brought my grey home and that was 2 years ago. They are fascinating creatures!!! Can't wait to see your grey's pictures and hear how the homecoming goes. Welcome to the Grey family!!!

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ok all ready and biting at the bit to go pick the new addition tomorrow afternoon ( has to be afternoon cause i am workin in the morning ,grumble grumble)

we have the cage decked out just waiting for a lil feathered friend to put in it hehe

in the meantime this is what his new home is lookin like



thinkin we have bases covered but i am sure i will find something i forgot tomorrow afternoon lol

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Wow! Nice setup. Your new baby will have a nice home once arriving. :)


One thing you may want to watch when you get your baby home, is how well it perches and coordination. If he or she seems a little unstable (Normal) you may want to place a towel or two in the bottom should your baby take a fall when climbing around.


Thanks for posting the photos.

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thanks for the tip. thats one of the reasons i leaf the one perch very low as well so if it didnt feel steady it could perch lower if it liked.

towels are easily sorted and a good idea for the first little bit anyhow till we soo how much coordination our little one has

thanks again

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thank you

its 3.30 am now and no chance of any more sleep

so while i wait i have a small batch of lentils, black eyed peas,split peas,aduki beans, butter beans, barley and kidney beans already soaked for 12 hrs and now cooking through so later when we get home just have to warm it up a bit from the fridge and mix in a bit of veg.ing

12 hrs from now we will have the newest addition and be on the way home.

damn i hate waiting lol

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