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A little bit about me and Tumnus

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I suppose it's about time I introduced myself. My name is Don Johnson (and for those of you tempted to make comments, I've heard them all :P ) and I am owned by Tumnus, a TAG. I grew up in Billings, Montana; married and moved to Florida for 17 years; recently relocated our family back to Billings. Growing up my dad had a grey-cheeked parakeet and for those of you familiar with those birds the name is misleading as they don't really look like a parakeet. Anyway, I digress... That bird intrigued me as he would fly down to where my dad was just to be with him. Very neat personality. The bird didn't live as long as he probably could have and we never had another bird like him.


While in Florida I learned of these events that I never knew existed, after all we didn't have them in Montana, maybe you've heard of them - Bird Shows? I was hooked after attending my first one. Living in Tampa we had them regularly but we would also drive to surrounding areas just to get to a bird show. I eventually got a Sun Conure. BIG MISTAKE - I would like to point out to people who maybe reading this and think that owning a parrot is great fun - DO YOUR RESEARCH! I hadn't done proper research on them and wasn't prepared for the amount of screaming. I did however, I wasn't about to let the fact that I was an idiot keep me from loving that bird. He had a nice personality, friendly, let the kids handle him. I no longer have Quetzal due to the fact that when we were relocating we would be staying with my parents and there was no way I was going to subject him to a life of misery because I know he would have interferred with sleep schedules. I found a good home for him and he and the new owner are best buds and do everything together.


While at a bird show (about three years ago), I met a fantastic couple. They were into bird rescue. They had a TAG there and he was VERY temperamental. He had bitten me a couple of times but I spoke to this couple and asked a lot of questions. We left with that TAG whom I named Tumnus; otherwise more affectionately referred to as T-bird or Mr. T or just plain ol' T. When I purchased him, they threw in a free session of training. By the time my free session rolled around (within a week of owning him) my fingers looked like they had been through a war. That is when I learned that offering him a flat hand was better than offering him a finger. The biting lessened and now when he runs through his repertoire of phrases you will most certainly hear, "No bite." I do get a nip every now and then but when he gets beaky with me and pays too much attention to any particular finger, I remind him, "No bite." To that I get a baby chirp, so I know he's acknowledged what I've told him. There are times I get nipped at and remind him, "No bite." and do not get the baby chirp - I know he's thinking, "Yeah, right - stick that finger back in here and I'll show you, "No bite."


He (listen to me - he/him/his - I really have no idea what sex he is) will whistle or chirp after me as I leave his sight. He isn't too keen on the kids but he will allow my son to give him a scritch. If he were to bite anyone it would be the kids but they are old enough to know that they leave the bird alone. They can approach the cage and talk to him and he is fine with that and he will come up to the bars but we have instilled in them that they approach a bird just as they would a dog - ask for permission before touching.


I suppose I have rambled enough that you get the idea of who we are. I have posted his vocabulary in the vocabulary thread and have a story of cognition in that post as well as posting his incident in the cognition post. Anything else you want to know - just ask.

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Hello Don and welcome to our family, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Tumnus.

I have to disagree about the sun conure, I have one and she can be loud but she was the first parrot I have ever owned and I wouldn't trade her for anything, yes she can scream from time to time but its not that bad, guess you get used to it but she spends all her out of cage time on my shoulder keeping me company wherever I go.

I would love to see some pictures of Tumnus if you would be so kind to share some with us.

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Welcome, I too am new here and can tell you first hand these are the nicest and most knowledgable group of people you could ever hope to meet. I also have a just weaned baby tag (kenya) and I have a 17 year old cag (gabby) along with a zon and a conure. We are very happy together, My poor cag has been with me since she was a baby and I made all of my new parront mistakes on her, bless her sweet heart but she loves me still and somehow we have survived. Once again welcome so glad you are here.


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