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Temp variation is a no no but can I put Stella outside during the day?


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I have read several threads that say too much variation in temperature over a short period of time is not good. I thought I was doing a good thing by putting Stella outside a few hours each day. I am in S Florida so at this time it is in the mid to upper 80s during the day. When she's outside, she is in the shaded part of the patio but it is certainly mid 80s. When I bring her inside, the temp is about 75. Should I curtail this activity and just keep her in the house?



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The amount of time you can leave in direct sunlight is proportional to the temperature. If it's a 100 outside, they should be in full shade, 90 part of the cage should be shaded so they can move in and out of the shade to sun as they wish. At 80 they can by in full sun with no shaded parts for around a half hour, at 75 they can be in the full sun , but I still leave part of the cage shaded so they can choose. In the higher temperatures, always watch your bird and if you see they are starting to sit with the wings away from the body a bit or beak open take them in the house, even if they are in the shade. Those are signs they are starting to overheat.


The birds coming back into the house which is kept at 78, from an outside temperature of 90 to 95 is no problem. Ive been dong this for decades with various types of birds from Mynahs and finches, to conures and greys.

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If there new to going outside, take it easy, if it's to hot for you, it's way to hot for them, if in a cage, cover half the cage so they can seek protection, same if harnessed, have it so they can move in and out of the shade. Watch for signs of being overheated, wings held away from body, panting.....Jayd

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OK.... well this guidelines make sense to me. I was just hoping that there was not some supersensitivity to the elements that I was not aware of. I was assuming.... but then why assume anything especially when I have the support of the members on this forum. You just can't imagine how lost I would feel having so many questions and no source of good information. Thank you all!!!

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It is beneficial for them to get some sunshine but in your climate where it is so hot do not put them out without providing some shade they can get into to escape the sun and keep an eye on them to make sure they don't overheat.

Yes this place has been a godsend for a lot of us.

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