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I knew it !


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I knew it wouldn't be long before Zoey felt comfortable enough to venture out of the cage ! Last weekend after she stepped up on my hand in the cage, I was sitting next to her cage and just talking to her with the door open and she would come down, head first, and rub her head on my finger , stick her head out the door, then go back up on the perch. She 'd do this all week long after I got home from work as well. This morning after I posted my earlier post, I took Silverbelle, my little Mini Lop house bunny buddy to vet for pedicure ( it's a gal thing , right ? LOL ) and when I got home I started sitting with Zoey again.


I had the door open and down she comes. The next thing I knew she was on the outside of the cage and looked as surprised as I was ! I quick grabbed my camera and caught her as she worked up the courage to venture on top of the cage.

I let her check it all out as I watched from the couch, occasionally going over and letting her come over to my hand and next thing I knew she climbed aboard and sat there for about 10 minutes . The camera of course was over by the couch so when she got down from my hand I grabbed it and returned to the cage. She obliged me by stepping up again so I could capture the moment and share it here. I guess she was outside looking in for almost 2 hours, and while she showed interest in the play stand that I had made for Cocoa, which I put right next to the cage on the table, she didn't leave the security of the outside of her cage today.


Tomorrow's another day and I'll let her move as slow as she wants too. I know she wants to be near me as she always chatters up a storm while I on the couch or in the kitchen cooking. When she's ready, she'll be on the play stand and then eventually will join me on my arm on the couch or at my desk ( kitchen is off limits for birds unless they come from the grocery store ! )

Was a Greyt day in Apopka for sure !




Zoey  10-02-2010 first stepup.jpg

Zoey first step up outside cage !.jpg



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Its always heartwarming to hear when a grey decides to relax a bit and venture a little farther than before, shows she is starting to feel more comfortable but just take your time and don't rush it and soon she will be where you want her to be, remember small steps with lots of time and patience.

Thanks for sharing a few pics of her with us, she is precious.

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