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First Vet Visit

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Also my first post on this forum. My new TAG came home on Tuesday. He will be 4 months old tomorrow. The avian vet today just RAVED about him! She said he was very well socialized and so sweet. He steps up for anyone and had no problem when our 2 year old granddaughter was petting him yesterday.


The veterinarian prepared us for needing to give antibiotics because the stress of the transition can cause bacteria build up, but his reading was so small that treatment was not needed.


He has had the "nibbling fingers" issue which I know is normal baby behavior. I have a small toy with rope, small wooden blocks and pieces of leather that I put between his beak and my hand and he is great with that. I waited a long time to get this baby boy and I am so, so happy with everything (so far).


I hope to visit here often for ideas, advice and hopefully a contribution or 2. :)


I forgot to put his name. His name is Neo (african word meaning "gift")

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Where are you located and which breeder did you go with? I might be getting a TAG next year.


I am in Ohio and the seller is as well. They are in Northern Ohio which is a 4 hour drive so I still had him shipped. Neo arrived on a Delta flight from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. We determined that the one hour flight would be less stressful than a 4 hour drive. The seller is The Bird Farm in Poland, Ohio. They don't actually breed any birds but take in all birds from their breeders and hand feed and socialize them. They ship birds everywhere. On the day that Neo was shipped, they had birds going to Alaska as well.


I take that back. I don't know if they breed any of their birds but I know that they don't own the breeder birds of Neo. He made reference to the breeder and the fact that she has the band number with the hatch date on it.

Edited by Barbara2
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Hello Barbara and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing lots more about you and Neo.

Thats some breeder you must have had for they did a wonderful job with your grey but I imagine that the personality of Neo has something to do with it too.

Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

I assume that is Neo in your avatar but if you have some more pictures you would share with us we would love to see them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to add a bit more in way of introduction. I was an educator for 35 years. I was an art teacher for 23 years teaching 7-12 grade. (12 years old to 18 or 19 for those not familiar with our grading system in the US) The last 12 years I was the technology coordinator for the district taking care of all the computers, printers, networks and sometimes even the phones. My husband also worked for the same school district (that is where we met) and we both retired this past May. I always wanted a Grey but knew that the demanding hours of our work days wouldn't fit in with the needs of a Grey. So he is my retirement gift to myself.


We have 5 grown children (the older 3 are children from hubby's first marriage and we have two girls that we had together) Right now we have 12 grandchildren ranging in age from 19 yrs down to 4 months. The youngest 6 are actually 4, 2, 2, 1, 5 months, 4 months. (All girls except the poor 4 mo. old!) So it's busy and has only slowed down a little with retirement! It's a wonderful life!!!

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Thank you! I have only had him for two weeks but so far he has exceeded all my expectations. He was even much nicer during his bath today. (Or maybe I was nicer since I wasn't so nervous the second time around so he was nicer.)


Side note...I lived in England for four years when I was young. I LOVED it! Great country, great people. I loved the way they said my name. My family called me "Barbie" and it sounded like "Bobbie" when the British said it. I loved it!

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