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Help training my CAG to not land above cabinets


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I need help in training my CAG to only "hang out" in designated areas. I have a play stand in the kitchen for him, a large cage in the next room (our den) for him that is filled with toys that he loves, and a smaller cage in my bedroom for him. Those are the 3 main areas where our family hangs out.


The problem is, Chili likes to go on top of our kitchen cabinets and hang out. Last week he threw one of my decorative items off the top of the cabinets, it fell, and broke my ceramic stove top. I just ordered the part and it was $350.00 :(


At this point, I'd like to train him to only go on his stand, or his 2 cages, or he can sit with us if we're on the couch. But I don't want him up on the cabinets.


So my question is - what do I do when he goes up on the cabinets to train him that isn't allowed? Right now anytime he goes up there we stand on a chair, have him step-up, then put him on his stand. But are we teaching him that way, or just moving him?


Thanks for any help you can give!

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You can't.......they love to be up high. I have 3 birds, and that's their favorite place to be. MY house is filled with tree stands, hanging gyms, perches every where..... Up there they can watch all the goings on in the house. My advise to you is to get rid of the things on top of your cabinets. You could try putting something scary up on them to discourage them, but after a while, they will get used to it and continue to fly there.

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Being consistent and persistent is the only way. If Ana Grey does something I dislike I tell her "no" and shoo her off. I don't bribe her and I don't make a big deal out of it as they so love the attention. Evidently, if you are consistent perhaps your grey will get the hint and stay off your cabinets. But as Penny says move the "good stuff" as it is a game of who is more persistent you or your grey.

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Hi, I'm researching getting a grey but thought it might help, and entertain, to mention that our Senegal is terrified of beanie babies which we post like sentinels in her favorite high places. However, since she's so tiny she now lands on any edge, curtains, door frames. So even if you post scare crows who knows where they'll find next.

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