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A Amazon?


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My heart was caught when in a pet store in Maryland where I am there is a yellow-head amazon. Despite it's cage being in the middle of the store the amazon was perfectly content in the middle perch singing a tune and it's name. It's the first time I had ever seen a parrot since 2 years ago. Absolutly buetifull (bad spelling?). So I have a few questions before I contact some breeders, hat questions have you asked? What are things to look for in a good breeder? I am still wondering on exactly how aggressive an amazon gets when he/she hits maturity. What has your experience been with your amazon? Sorry for all the questions but I have been reading many bird books on parrots and am interested in them for a couple of years now. I have never had a parrot before though but I feel up to the task from all of my readings, more than enough to give up on my teflon pan and airconditioner(bad spelling?). Again, thanks and can't wait to joint the family!

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I have never had an amazon but some of the other members do and they love them so maybe they will chime in with their thoughts and ideas.

Yes you will have to give up your teflon pans but not the air conditioning especially if it is the central kind, now if you have window units then you may have to put the cage where the air is not blowing directly on your bird, I have central air in my home and my birds do just fine, it gets hot in the summer here and very humid at times so it is a necessity.

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Hi and thank you, Have you read this thread? Basically the same question as yours, please read all of the Amazon room you can. All Amazons don't have a aggressive attitude, some get more hormonal then others.... I don't recommend a double Yellow-head, my personal recommendations are: A Mealy, a Lilac-crowned, or a blue-front, and last a Yellow-nape...Mealy s are wonderful birds, so are the rest, and please only get a well weaned bird... Where are you located?...Jayd


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I have a congo african grey and a blue fronted amazon. We brough our african grey home when she was around 15 weeks old. We bough her when she was 9 weeks old and would visit her untill she was old enought to bring her home. The store we got her from was very good when it came to makeing sure she was well adjusted. The time that she needed to adjust and become a part of the family was a lot.

Now for the amazon. Cricket is a rehome and at this time she is about 14 or 15 years old and she has been with us 2 years in Dec. What we learned bringing up Corky went a long way in helping Cricket to adjust in our home and to become a part of the family. Time, (time to adjust)(your personal time and lots of it). IMO an amazon or african gery may not be ths best parrot for a first brid. But if this is what you want than you need to find as much as you can and this is the place. They can be a hand full

The time my wife and I have spent with our birds and my son was a team event and some times it took all of us, but we felt it was worth it.

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MO an amazon or african gery may not be ths best parrot for a first brid.


I have a Blue Fronted Amazon "Diego" he is my first bird I have ever owned. Because of this, I researched, researched and researched some more before getting him. Apart from initial problems with his feeding, which is now pretty much sorted out, I've not had a problem so far. A few things crop up that I am not sure about, with his behaviour but the help and support I get here on the forum has been invaluable! I cannot comment about the hormonal changes as I have not got to that stage yet, but I am doing training to prepare us all for it i.e. getting him to step up happily onto a stick rather than my hand, getting him to go into his cage on his own (not the easiest of things I must admit LOL)


To be honest, I've got 2 young children, and Diego at the moment is not much different with regards to his behaviour then both of my children when they hit the terrible 2's. With Diego we have temper tantrums if I don't let him chew on the furniture, sometimes temper tantrums before bedtime, Doing everything he possibly can to get my attention if I am doing something that does not involve him etc.


I think the main thing to consider is that when bringing home any kind of parrot, they are not a pet as such but you will be bringing home another member of your family. They take up a lot of time, energy and love, give them plenty of these 3 things then you will reap the rewards, like I am with Diego.

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I have to echo Carolina aka GoDiego about doing the research before committing to one of these parrots, be sure you know what you are getting yourself into, what they need to be healthy and happy for it is better to know what it takes before you get it than after for we hate to see birds end up in rehomes. There is a lot of information here on our site and plenty on the internet, then after doing that you still want it then it was meant to be.

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