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Will he be able to use his leg??


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I was worried about the swelling ,but he assured me it's not swollen ,it's the deformity ,the bone is thicker than the normal bone and it's bowed in the wrong direction.


Perhaps the name of "Cowboy" would be fitting. He will be bow legged and have a "Can Do" attitude functioning just fine, due to his adapting to this as he grows. As others have said, he does not know he is "Different". :)


Thanks for sharing what the vet diagnosed this as.

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I decided to name him koko ,today he perched for the very first time ,uptill now i though that he has no control over his deformed leg but surprisingly this morning i went into the room to find him standing on his perch for the very first time and i looked at his leg to find him holding the perch with it !!!!!!!!!!! :D

he walks near to normal but he has a minor limp ,i though it's nice to share the good news with all and thank you all for your support and here are koko's pics first day of perching



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Thank you all for your sweet words i really appreciate your support, and jotoeng i will keep you updated all the time, he's now standing on the perch most of the time and he climbs around the cage frequently he is also flying alot but i had to clip a couple of feathers on each wing because he seems not able to control his landing and once he bumped into the wall and injured his face ,so to be safe i clipped those feathers ,he 's still abel to fly but for short distances and not too high, it seems that he turned out to be left handed so he's not able to use his leg to grab things he's trying but still can't do it ,but it's not handicapping for him atall

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