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A few photo's of Maui, taken this morning at 6 weeks and 4 days old


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You should keep all these pictures and when he is fully grown line them up by age and see how quickly they develop into full fledged greys, would be nice to see them in progression from the earliest to the latest but at the age Maui is they are so adorable so enjoy it while you can.

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Thats a GREAT idea and I had thought of that myself when looking at his photos from last week till now in comparison. Too bad I didn't take any photo's of him while I was visiting him from 2 weeks on at the breeders house. But, I do have them from 5 weeks, so will just start from there. I just looked at the difference between last week and this week, CRAZY how much he's grown even, let alone how much more feathering he's gotten!!

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Aww, Thank you Chelsea, He didn't seem all too healthy when I first got him, mostly because he had so little feathers and was so little, but, when I took him to the Vet, the Doc said, he's perfectly healthy and as a matter of fact was a little on the heavier size for his age, but, that could just mean he'll be a bit larger bird when fully grown. I've looked at tons of photo's of birds his age, he seems to be quite comparable in size and feathering, at least as much as I can tell from photo's. He weighs 440 grams right now, does that seem big for 6 weeks? Everything I've read, that seems to be pretty normal. He's such a sweet, sweet little bird, I just can't get enough of him!

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Elvenking & GoDiego,


THANK YOU!!! He is the sunshine of my life, well of OUR lives, I should say. My husband was never really a "bird person" until Maui came into our lives. Now, he's a NUT CASE over him. He refers to him as "the baby" and is so protective over him, it's cute :D I guess we're both a little "bird crazy" over him. It's just so amazing how quickly they learn and grow, isn't it? How old is Isaac? How old is Diego? Did you get him before he was weaned? It's quite nerve racking to me, because of all the horror stories I've heard about getting them so young, but, I started visiting Maui when he was only 2 weeks old, I didn't plan to take him until he was 12 weeks old, but the breeder wanted to go on vacation and didn't want to take him with her, so basically TOLD me to either take him NOW and I mean TODAY or I have another buyer who will. UHHH!!! I was not too happy, however, in my mind, the bird was mine already and I was NOT about to give him up to some OTHER person to finish weaning him, I've had hand feeding experience, but never with a grey and it's been quite a few years since I've hand fed babies. We're doing GREAT with him and he seems to be thriving quite nicely, but, the worries never seem to seize. I'm such a nut that I actually wake up 2-3 times in the middle of the night, just to be sure he's breathing!!! LOL. Do you guys have photo's of your Isaac and Diego on here some where? I'd love to see him.

My Shepherd is a gentle giant, unless there's a reason not to be (intruders, etc...) The bird gets a kick out of the Dog and of course the dog thinks that Maui is his baby to protect and take care of. He is so gentle and loving. it's adorable!:cool:

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Issac is 10 months now and I just love him more every day. I brought him home in his 9th week and hand fed him twice a day. In fact, he still loves his formula in addition to the things he eats all on his own. You watch, right around 11 weeks, they will get the ability to fly..and the fun really begins. Not sure if you plan to leave your baby flighted...but I highly recommend it. Just my views. Anyway, do i have pictures of Issac on this forum? There are people laughing right now as they read that. I have tons of pics of him....but of all I have ever captured...this one is my favorite by FAR! This precious moment was captured around 10 weeks when he was still cuddling on my chest in the evenings.




I have more pictures of my bird than I think I do of my 7 year old daughter...LOL. So here are a few more choice ones.


Here he is around 7-8 weeks









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Aww, He is BEAUTIFUL!!! Do you still get cuddles from him? Or not so much anymore, which seems to be what everyone is telling me about Maui, that it's ALLLL snuggles now, but apparently it doesn't last. =( So I take as much of his snuggles as he'll give me right now, which is tons! LOL, I bet you do have tons of photo's of him, he's something to be proud of, he's a very handsome boy! Thank you for sharing the photos with me, I love to see everyones babies and I sure hope my lil guy gets to be 1/2 as pretty as the one's I've seen here on this forum!


"Not sure if you plan to leave your baby flighted..." YES!!! Absolutely, I know everyone has their own views, but, I don't clip wings, he will get to take flight as soon as he's ready and I can't wait to cheer him on during his first leap of faith!!

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Issac is still quite a cuddler. I get lots of the head tucking into my neck for scratches. Nothing like the sweet sleeping picture above, that only happened about 3 times or so. But he certainly loves fingers ruffling through his neck feathers. I make sure to balance giving him his space and 'close' time. However, sometimes I try to give him space and he just comes right over to me anayway. He is still quite clingy. It is not often that I can leave the room with out him flying right to my shoulder to come along for the ride. I still love the attention. The amount of time he likes to spen close to me still amazes me. I try not to put any expectations on behavior because that could manifest the behavior, so I just let him be his bird self. I spoil the heck out of him with toys and attention. I can't help it, he's my baby. You might be interested in seeing the little video montage I put together about him. It shows from about 10 weeks to...not sure when.



He's my baby. :)

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LOL!! I TOTALLY understand, I've only had Maui for a couple of weeks and already I'm wicked attached to him, he is MY baby, so I can only imagine how you feel about Isaac. I really hope Maui stays as affectionate as he is now, but, like you said, I'm not expecting anything, therefore, I can't be disappointed. Maui does enjoy a little bit of "down time", where he is in his brooder in my bedroom away from all noise and commotion for a little rejuvenation and some really sound sleep. I'm gonna go cop a gander at the video you're sharing! THANKS



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