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Eastern Australian Rosella for sale


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Hi everyone,


I have a male eastern rosella for sale in sarasota, fl. I am selling him at a VERY reasonable price. He is 1 1/2 yrs old and came with another pair that I purchased not too long ago for breeding purposes. I originally thought I might would like to work with him to tame him, since he is so young still, however, now that I have Maui, I am spending a tremendous amount of time with him and not so much with the Rosella, who's name is Tubok. He is a gorgeous bird and is very capable of being tamed, I've already started working on it and he seems to want to trust so badly. It's not fair to Tubok because he is caged alone, has no companion like my other two and isn't getting the attention I WANT him to get. If anyone in my area is interested, Please let me know and I will send you pictures of him.


Edited by lisamarie973
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Coral and Andrew,


I was JUST about to post, I have found a WONDERFUL home for Tubok, a fella named Bob who lives in my general area has adpoted Tubok and I am very confident that he'll be giving him an AWESOME new life-long home!! The amazing thing is, my breeder pair has been in mating cycle for a while now, but the male just simply would NOT mate the female, no matter how much she wanted too. TODAY, they mate. =) I caught them purely by accident, but was so excited that I hid around the corner as not to disrupt them! Thank you for the compliment on Tubok's coloring, but, I'm afraid I can't take credit for that, all Easterns are just as gorgeous as the next. =)

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