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Maui seems to get "mad" at me when I leave him for a couple of hours


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Hi everyone,


I have spent an enormous amount of time with my new baby, if he's not sleeping, I'm talking to him, snuggling him, showing him new toys and playing with him or feeding him. So, If I have to leave the house to do any errands (like grocery shop for example), when I come back, it takes him about 5 or 10 minutes to "warm up" to me again. I actually think hes' ticked off at me, he'll even turn his back to me when I go to scratch his head (which he loves and will take almost always). Is this possible? Could he be throwing a little tantrum? Once he's warmed back up to me, it's all snuggles and sweet chirps.

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Greys are well known for tantrums. They have the intelligence of a 5 year old human child, and the emotional IQ of a 2 year old, so it's entirely possible he's letting you know he doesn't approve.


It is wonderful you spend so much time with your baby, but he also needs a little "alone" time, where he can just chill in his cage by himself. I read somewhere about the 3 types of contact a grey needs. One was alone time. Another was indirect contact, where he is in his cage but you are still interacting with him by talking and such, and the last one was the direct contact, playing, cuddling etc.

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Thanks Azzie,


I've been really thinking a lot about this and I happen to agree that Maui should really start to learn how to entertain himself as well as be entertained by me and the rest of his flock mates in the home. I don't like to leave him, more because I have this constant fear of him dying while I'm gone because of all the horror stories I've read lately. But, he seems to be very healthy and progressing nicely for his age compared to what I've read about what they should be learning and by what age. But, you just NEVER know, since they aren't very good about letting their humans know they aren't feeling well, if they aren't, anything could happen. I'm sure he's fine, the vet says he's fine and he's had a full blood panel done to check for any illnesses as well as to make sure he's getting what he needs nutritionally. I think leaving him for periods of time isn't a bad idea, even if he does get a little miffed, I don't want to have an issue later on in his life where we can't go anywhere without being worried he'll be ticked at us. LOL

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Heehee sounds like mum is having a bit of separation anxiety. Understandable though, with a precious little baby. However, focus on reality - as you say, he appears healthy, which is supported by his blood work and the vet. A lot of accidents can be prevented, as you know, since you have a lot of other animals, so perhaps to ease your own mind you could maybe put things in place like that. Maybe a blanket on the bottom of Maui's cage in case he's still a bit clumsy and might fall....


And if he gets ticked off...heh well I'm sorry Maui, that's life!

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hee hee, YES, I do get separation anxiety, while I'm out and about, I rarely enjoy the outting because all I can think about while I'm gone is how I REALLY just need to get back to the baby, it's almost time for his feeding, what if he's pooped all over his brooder or cage.. blah blah blah... My 2 teenage girls think their Mum has gone a bit crazy over the bird, maybe I have, but I'm trying to be a good care taker. Thanks Azzie!!

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Oh I know exactly how you feel. Any errand I have to do outside, I do as quickly as I can, because I just want to be with my pets. They're always fine, they don't mind me going out, but I feel bad.


As for being a bit crazy, yeah, parrot people usually are a little "touched". Go have a read of the post about someone hearing their parrot poop, and that will prove the point lol.

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I totally understand what you're saying! I was just posting today about how Sully will react to me being gone overnight from him for the first time, and I realized I was the one being anxious- not him :)


Anyway, it is imporant for them to get alone time. Not only that, you don't want him to become upset or stressed if he cannot get "out" time during the day.

We started making ourselves leave sully in his cage until 8 or 9 in the morning. We were getting him out at 515 when we get up, but we didn't want him to get used to the pattern of when we're up, he's up.


Then, I make sure he stays in his cage for 3 or 4 hours in the middle of the day, randomly, sometimes 12-4 or sometimes 2-5 or something, just so he doesn't get fussy if he doesn't get to come out at a certain time :)


I hope you get a routine down where he understands that he can't come out right now, but he can later on.

It also helps so that he understands if something comes up, he needs to go in his cage, but he can come out later!

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LOL!!! Yeah, I mean, I've got other birds, but, I've never been anywhere NEAR the freak about them as I am this baby grey. I guess I just forget that he's a bird sometimes and treat him like a human baby and am so worried about his "feelings". I do want to make sure that he's well adjusted though, I don't want to create a feather plucker or anything, so, I will defintely take heed to all of the suggestions all of you are giving me. One thing I've been wondering about, he HATES to be carried around, he feels so insecure when anyone picks him up, he doesn't mind sitting on my lap or cuddling up under my chin, but when I have to pick him up for ANY reason, he despises it. I wonder if there's a better way for me to do it where he'll feel more secure, because he doesn't perch yet. Do you guys have any suggestions and do you think he's too young to teach him how to perch? I mean, he JUST did learn to be more sure footed and not fall down when he stretches his wings and feet and such, so I'm not sure when is a good time to start encouraging perching. He does have a perch in his cage really low that he's been trying to get on. He gets one foot up and kinda bounces a bit trying to get the other foot up, even drops his wing for leverage as he beaks the perch and hops, but he hasn't been quite able to get that other foot up yet. Although, it's so cute to see him try, he's so determined at such a young age!! I mean, the little guy is ONLY 6 weeks old. LOL

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Leave him to it = ) He will perch when he is ready, and it's good practice for him to try try try. It is good for his muscle development and co-ordination to learn to perch by himself, plus it gives him something to do. You are providing all the encouragement already, by having a perch in his cage. You could look at starting to teach the step up/step down commands though, onto your fingers. Apart from the obvious benefits of having a bird that steps up and down, it will get him used to being carried that way as well once he IS able to perch.

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As much as I LOVE Maui being a baby, I can't wait to see what he'll be like when he gets to be a big boy (parrot) lOL


Oh my dear you will soon enough for they grow so quickly so be careful of what you wish for!

Maui is a baby right now so he needs more attention and such but as he weans and gets all his feathers he will start enjoying some time to himself to attack his toys and amuse himself but for right now he is more dependent on you but that will change soon. I think right now he just wants the assurance you are around and if he doesn't have some type of small stuffed animal in the brooder with him to cuddle up to consider getting him something.

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Hi Judygram,


You know, I've heard that a couple of times, so, I bought him one today, nothing huge, just a small little fuzzy and soft stuffed animal that he can kinda snuggle up to in his brooder or cage when I'm not around. He actually snuggled up to it today while I was out and about, I came home and he was asleep in his brooder, but with his head kinda snuggled in between the animals arm and belly. =) CUTE!

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