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Something I Have Noticed - Grey Ages


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As some have recognized, there have been a few sad stories regarding Grey's in the last few days. It got me to thinking, you know, I don't hear about too many old Greys on the forums. All 20 years old or less..and very rarely at the top end. I am wondering, do you think it is just the trend of the forums to have active members only with younger birds, or is it more that case that they don't often make it that far in life. I would like to collect thoghts on this. Does anyone know of some older Greys? Thanks.

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I have an older congo, he's 24, I got him from a lady who's husband died, she had to move south to Florida with her daughter. he is my third as I have another congo who's 4 and a Timneh who's 5. He's in good health although never been handled before we got him about a year and a half ago. Even though I don't post much, I never get tired of hearing about everyone's greys and learning more info on them! Just love them!

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Elvenking, I have noticed the same thing about the forum and relatively young birds. Maybe it's just the enthusiasm of the new bird that tends to bring people to the forum. You know, like parents tend to have tons of pictures of the kids as babies, and as they get a little older, the parents are less into taking a picture of every cute thing they do.


I have met a CAG who's at least in his 30s. He's sort of the store pet and lives behind the counter at the pet shop where I trade. It's my understanding he was a wild caught bird. He belongs to one of the store managers, who inherited him from a family member. He seems to be healthy and doing well.

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I believe as the others state in regards people who have owned Greys or other Parrots for decades. They have had no reason to go to a forum and are probably later in years as well.


The reason people go to the net on subjects is for instant access to answers to their questions. We have seen many members come as they acquired a new grey, then never post again after the received the help and support they needed. We usually never hear from them again until they need help with something else. I just wish they would pop in and say hi with at least an update every once in a while. We remember all who have crossed our paths and think about them now and then wondering how it's going. One thing that is true, I believe of all parrot owners, is that we are unique in the sense of just how much we cherish these sentient beings and enjoy sharing that love with others of our "Flock". Once a member of our Flock, you will always be remembered as one of us......

Edited by danmcq
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Yes, that is understandable. The new news stops and such but the love carries on. Just like new human babies are always fawned over.


When I come across stories about them passing on here on the forums, it's greatly concerning. Especially when you don't really hear about the ones who are 30 plus years old.


I love Issac tons and it continues to be fun to talk about these guys, not sure when or if that will wear off for me. I love reading about the new birds and old in peoples lives and seeing what these guys do. It's really wonderful.

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I also fear it may be because there's no way to guess a bird's age. When their most recent "forever" home is gone, so, often, is their past. A lot of our birds have unknowable pasts & few of us have any way to know if our bird were truly old.


It makes me sad to think many, many of these birds will be forced to spent decades adjusting from one place to the next their whole lives. That there's no special consideration for the old ones.


Phenix was likely wild caught. He was no youngster when I got him. Beyond that, I know 30 years of his life because most of it has been with me. I can only say he's at least 35, but I have absolutely no way to guess his true age.

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