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Rainbow Warriors


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Warriors of the Rainbow




Last century an old wise woman of the Cree Indian nation, named "Eyes of Fire", had a vision of the future. She prophesied that one day, because of the white mans' or Yo-ne-gis' greed, there would come a time, when the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist.

There would come a time when the "keepers of the legend, stories, culture rituals, and myths, and all the Ancient Tribal Customs" would be needed to restore us to health, making the earth green again. They would be mankind's key to survival, they were the "Warriors of the Rainbow".




"When the earth is dying there shall arise a new tribe of all colors and all creeds. This tribe shall be called The Warriors of the Rainbow and it will put its faith in actions not words."


- Prophecy of the Native American Hopi people -




"There will come a time when the earth is sick and the animals and plants begin to die. Then the Indians will regain their spirit and gather people of all nations, colors and beliefs to join together in the fight to save the Earth: The Rainbow Warriors."


- Ancient Native American prophecy -


Rainbow Tribe


The sun rose on a magical new day...

Over the whole earth they came,

The people of every color,

Sister, Brother, Father, Mother

Traveling over many a land

People of the Rainbow

Children of the Way,

with a fresh glow

Finding their way

Star within...

More and more joined,

a song for the soul...

A new way to live,

A new way to see,

It happened this way...

And a new song,

It came from within

If you can find the Star,

Within then you will find...

What is...

What was...

And what will be... you see,

It happened this way...

from within,The people of the Way


The Rainbow Tribe... - Author Unknown

Edited by danmcq
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we all need to do our part to keep this earth from becoming barren as we are destroying it more and more every day


This is so true, if we all wait for somebody else to start first a change will never be made. If everyone is concious about reducing their carbon footprint, a huge difference can be made.

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