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I'm sure this has been addressed before...


But i'm going to ask again ;)


Jasper has gotten pretty good at flying...turning, going in circles, making sharp turns...


His issue is landing! He crash lands every single time. How do I help him not crash land!?!



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Is Jasper a fledgling or is he an older bird getting his wings back. If he is young, this will get sooo much better very quickly...you watch. I think Issac's first week of flying was the most precarious. I would run under him to catch the possible fall. Pad as much of everything as you can. Nature allows for some mistakes at this stage, but you can be certain that they master this quickly.

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he's a almost 2 year old getting his wings back...he was clipped when we got him... :( He's gotten a lot stronger, and it didn't take him to long to get the turns down and didn't take long to get the corners down either...I'm just terrified he's going to break his neck in the process of learning! There has been i think one time that he landed on my husband's arm...then off to running into walls or anything else solid again... sigh!

Edited by Jingles
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he's a almost 2 year old getting his wings back...he was clipped when we got him... :( He's gotten a lot stronger, and it didn't take him to long to get the turns down and didn't take long to get the corners down either...I'm just terrified he's going to break his neck in the process of learning! There has been i think one time that he landed on my husband's arm...then off to running into walls or anything else solid again... sigh!

Most of all our rescues have had a hard time learning how to slow forward flight and land, they always crash and skid...The only thing we found out we could do is to pad the spots they usually come to rest at, we have pillows everywhere....It's sad, but they don't learn this quick, just protect them as best as you can...Be careful when trying to catch a bird in flight...Jayd

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he's a almost 2 year old getting his wings back...he was clipped when we got him... :( He's gotten a lot stronger, and it didn't take him to long to get the turns down and didn't take long to get the corners down either...I'm just terrified he's going to break his neck in the process of learning! There has been i think one time that he landed on my husband's arm...then off to running into walls or anything else solid again... sigh!


Yeah...if he was a young clip and he has to learn flying as an adult, it will be a bit slower. As JayD says...Pad pad pad.

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Thanks everyone! i will have pillows everywhere now!!! he's smart, he'll get the hang on it :)


He will, he will!


Do your best to see him through this difficult period.


Make sure the rest of the flying environment is safe.

Find the lids for all those open pots of boiling water and keep away all the houseplants that are poisonous and begging for a chew

and keep that VanGogh you have or he might lose his other ear.

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Shanlung - thanks for the reminder!!! :)


Danmcq - I can't wait for that day!


I'm glad everyone chimed in, thanks again, I was starting to feel as though it might be my fault he was crash landing ... oh these birds... between them and my child, I'll have grey hair soon!

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