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Danmcq Reaches 1,000!!!


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Congrats Dan on reaching 1,000 posts!!! I thought for sure Fairy or Beccy was gonna beat you, but you flew right by! :)




Congrats Dan!{Nature-0002008E}




Post edited by: TalonSis, at: 2007/08/17 00:46<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/08/17 03:01

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Congratulations Dan! Wow! 1000 posts in no time. And you’ve only had a grey for 2 weeks! That’s just outstanding!. :cheer:

You are such an asset to this forum. You have an amazing amount of knowledge in many areas, you’ve been a great friend to all of us, a caring person, a wonderful moderator. I feel very honored to have been a part of this family with you . Thank you for being here for us with your encouraging words, and helpful advice.

Keep up the good work! I look forward to reading your next 1000 posts!!






fireworks5.gif<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/17 00:50

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Dan, I knew you could do it and so glad you have joined the club with us, isn't this great, we are super talkers and we enjoy it don't you think.


You are a great guy and I am proud to be one of your friends here and I know I can count on you for anything. People like you don't come along every day and I am glad I have had the chance to get to know you and your wife. You two are super people and I appreciate every thing you do for us here. Keep up the good work. We love you here.:P

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All your words are too kind.


I appreciate being a member here and obviously enjoy it immensely.


We all do create a synergy that is unequalled on other Grey Forums I have belonged to.


Thank You all for being what I consider Friends and Family :-)

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This guy Joined 6/23/2007.. In what could be the fastest to 1000 posts we have ever seen here in GreysForums.net this guy has hit that magic threshold already.


Always there for anyone that wonders into our home.. this guy is as important to this forum as anyone of us. Instead of me just writing praise after praise about this guy why don’t we let him speak first.. OK.. Here are some of the things this wonderful person says to our family members.


“Never sell yourself short! Your a wonderful person, well spoken and I consider you highly intelligent”

“Yet, look how you project yourself here on the Forum as a great and caring friend to all!!”


“Wow - What a strong, giving and special person you are!”


“Thanks for sharing this and all the great photos, sunshine and love that we all receive from you!”


“Thanks for shining your brightness into our lives too here on this forum!!”


“Thanks for joining our Forum. You will find we look to each other as family members here and go to whatever lengths needed to help each other and new comers out.”


By now you surely know that I am speaking about our friend and family member Danmcq.. I was so happy last month when Dan accepted my request to head up the Off Topics Room. I thought long and hard about who might be best for that room. It wasn’t easy.


That person needed to have a broad knowledge base about so many different topics.. That person needed to have the temperament of a saint. That person needed to have compassion and love for his fellow family members here.. Picking Dan to head up that room made me look good.. Because he excelled beyond expectation..


And of course.. you shouldn’t take my word for it.. Listen to what his fellow family members said about Danmcq.


“Dan is knowledgeable, willing to share, fun and has a great attitude. His posts are informative and open minded. We are lucky to have him here!”


“Dan is a really fun guy. He's very knowledgeable about getting bitten(hmm...I wonder why? And he's very funny. Congrats on becoming a Mod”


“Dan is a very caring member of this grey family...And always there if you need help”


“This man has a wealth of knowledge and a keen sense of humor, keeps me laughing and that is so endearing to me. I know I can count on him to help me with whatever problem I may have.”


“A very generous person. Has a broad base of knowledge in all areas. Very caring and always helpful. Definitely an asset here as both member & moderator. I enjoy his posts!”


“Dan, your comments always make me laugh, I look forward to reading your posts because of it, keep it up!”


I rest my case.. There is only one more thing for me to say and do here… CONGRATULATIONS Dan.. Thank you for carrying yourself with such dignity and respect. You are a beacon of confidence.. I am so happy to have you here and look forward to calling you a friend and family member till the day I die..


Join in everyone in wishing this special person all the good wishes you would want to have thrown your way when you reach this important threshold.



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Well done, my talkative pal! Your posts are always a pleasure to read and always informative and well-considered. Ok, that's enough flattery. Get back to work!

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Dan, you are a veteran now :P


I agree with all that has been said about you! I can sometimes be jealous (in a positive way) at you how your words of wisdom seem to come automatically to you without an effort.


and, now you know what it means: mazzeltov (again) {Communicate-00020110}

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You are all too kind!


I have been here, but a few months. There are others that have been here much longer than I and contributed vast quantities of knowledge that is beyound mine.


So lets hear a shout for all those veterans here, that established this Forum and made it what it is today!!

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Dan, don't sell yourself short, you have contributed much to this forum, it matters less how long you have been here, you have a vast knowledge of a wide variety of topics and you have said lots. Its not so much the quanity but the quality of what you say and what you say is excellent.

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Well, usually it's customary the celebrated person in question is giving out drinks :P


in that case, i'll have my new 'hype': an ice-cold corona with a slice of lemon, pleezz B)

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