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Hey everyone!


I am looking into buying Sully a harness. With so many styles to choose from, I wanted opinions on what works best, and most importantly, doesn't work at all when it comes to harnesses.


To tell you the truth, I don't even want to put him in one, but I've been reading through some of these posts where most of you are strongly encouraging it, and I think for his safety, I should atleast try it out. I don't want him getting 'blown away'.. he is clipped, 5 feathers on each side, and doesn't really fly at all, more of a flapping fall.


Suggestions please? :)


Also, if you can let me know how your baby reacted to it, I don' t think Sullivan is going to be very happy about having one on him.:confused:

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There's basically two types of harnesses that can be bought.

One is called a feather tether. It comes with a 5 to 7 ft leash depending upon the brand. It's put on the bird and allows the person to walk around with the bird but the bird can't fly due to the length and thickness of the harness. Usually the bird sits on a person's shoulder.

The other type is called aviator harness. The harness itself is a lighter weight. People get this item with the intention of giving their bird the ability to fly short distances. As the bird gets better at it, the leash is lengthened. Using the aviator harness is a training aid which takes a while for the bird and it's owner to get used to it.

As far as reacting to it, all birds are different so reacting to it may be different. A way to make a bird react better is to make sure the harness can be put on and taken off quickly so there's no big drama about it.

Edited by Dave007
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Personally, I would go with the Aviator Harness simply because you can use it for either flight training or just an item to make sure your bird doesn't go far away. Bothe items come with a short leash but only one has the ability to be lengthed with optional extentions. The Aviator costs more but in the long run, it's worth it. Plus, the Aviator Harness is easier to put on or take off.

Feather Tether---$12 to $15 depending upon size of the bird. The feather tether is cheaper for a TAG than for a CAG.

Aviator Harness--- $29 to $35 depending upon where you buy it. That's the price for one that's made for a CAG. Larger ones such as for a macaw costs more.

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All I can think to add is consider which one will be the least in weight and the softest. No stiff material etc. The way I look at it is you may be able to get anything on your bird but will you continue to be able to? If they feel its uncomfortable I am sure they will become very objectionable to it. I would say the aviator or a custom made one such as Shanlung made. I do not think a lighter one could be so easily made, that would be near as usable, than Shunlungs.

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We have had good experience with the Aviator harness on our cockatoo. We haven't tripk v55555e (excuse me, Moussa decided to add his thoughts here). We haven't tried it for flying, but use it when we take her for outings. She tolerates it very well, but after a period of time, it does seem to chafe a bit and she starts fussing at it. I am anxious to make a thorough read of Shanlung's information on his harness design when I have more time later today.


I haven't gotten the harness on Moussa yet. Still "playing" with it with him.

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ok i want to ask a question if your living in the usa you might not be able to help ans this it to do with the uk laws. I went to my local parrot shop for toys and i asked about the harness and the leash that you can get and was told that in the uk you can not take a parrot out with one of these? its the law in the uk??? does anyone one know of this to be true? was told you can buy it but not use it out in public?. Would like to run this by you all as i think this is the biggest load of rot if you ask me. :)

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Maybe its puting them on a leash and allowing them to fly attached to it. But not a harness with a hand tether that is for taking them out but not for flying. Then again maybe the parrot shop did not stock them and did not want you giving buisness anywhere else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i think a flaw in the aviator harness is that it wont detatch, if you had the harness with a clip so you could just clip the lead on it would be a lot better for the bird to get used to wearing it as you could just pop the harness on without the leader & leave it on for a bit so she/he can get used to it, you cant with a aviator so my bird gets tangled up in the leader, shes ok with it now but cant help thinking if they were separate it would make things a lot easier on the bird !

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I wish I could get Tui into a harness but with him being 3 and set in his ways, do you think there is hope for him? He doesn't really like being touched a lot so I am thinking its a no go LOL. I just wanted to mention another type of harness. Ziggy has one made by Avian Fashions. It's more of a soft stretchy body suit with a leash. I like it because it works like a diaper so I don't get pooped on in public :) I am not sure how practical that type of suit would be for a grey though.

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You may be right in that it's a hard task to do. Many birds won't accept a harness when they're older than very young birds. If he really doesn't like being touched, he may nip when you try to put it on. The best time to start using a harness is when they're young. They'll accept them more easily when young. What you have is actually a flight suit. It's not made for flying though. It's made for exactly what you describe. Many people have flight suits and harnesses in the closet because many birds didn't accept them.

Practical? well that's for the owner to decide. Some people like them and others don't. It's a personal choice. Up there on the shoulder, they can get startled even though it may not have happened yet. Can't ever predict that. So, if he jumps or tries to fly off, that short leash may hurt him. It's not stretchable.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been working with Rambo for many weeks with a aviator harness. A little each week. Today was the first day we went all out and he let me fully fit it. But once it was on he panicked and flue round screaming. I had to catch him and get it off him the best I could. I gave him loads of cuddles after don't want to upset him or break the friendship we have. But what do i do now. Forget it don't risk upsetting him or keep going with it ?????

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My Grey did the same thing the first 3 or 4 times I got the harness on him when he was between 20 to 25 weeks old. I gave him a shelled peanut to keep him and his beak busy while I removed the harness. The key is to calm yourself down and him down by using something they love so you can get it off without having a few fingers nipped off. :P If your get upset (Which I did the first time) their excitement heightens along with your s and you start feeding each others panic. I know one person that freaked out and cut the harness off!!!


Stay calm, use your brain, speak calmly and give him something he loves to work on with his beak and mind,. :)

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