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Diego and my battle at bedtime!


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Diego is new to our family and is adjusting and fitting in really well. He is out of his cage for most of the day free to roam and play as he wishes, he will come to us for a scratch and loves doing his target training which he is doing really well with.


My main problem at the moment, and I'm sure there will be many more in the future LOL is that we are having big battles getting him back in the cage either when the doors need to be open or it's bedtime. I always reward him once he is in his cage so that it leaves him with a positive thought once he is in there but he still puts up a fight each time.


I have tried training him to step up and although he is getting it slowly it's not a guaranteed thing every time, but I know that no training is ever instant.


Has anyone else had similar problems or have any advice on how I can get him to like going back into his bedroom?


Oh and Diego is an Amazon parrot who is 4 months old, so only a baby :)

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Spock here!, Yes, it is fun to have you humans chase us around!, Maggie's to short, so we just fly a couple of inches above how far she can reach and laugh,,,, Salsa can run so fast ,Maggie can't catch her..Ha Ha... you'll never !SPOCK!, it's not your turn on the computer!!!!! [bye] Sorry, Maggie here, I'm Jayd's better half, Spock's been a brat today...

What he say's is true, keep doing what your doing...OW !Spock!!!

Spock' here!

Live Long and Prosper

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Spock here!, Yes, it is fun to have you humans chase us around!, Maggie's to short, so we just fly a couple of inches above how far she can reach and laugh,,,, Salsa can run so fast ,Maggie can't catch her..Ha Ha... you'll never !SPOCK!, it's not your turn on the computer!!!!! [bye] Sorry, Maggie here, I'm Jayd's better half, Spock's been a brat today...

What he say's is true, keep doing what your doing...OW !Spock!!!

Spock' here!


This made me actually laugh out loud! Thank you Spock for your insightful view on things, I think you and Diego have a lot in common LOL. And thanks Maggie, I'll just keep persevering and just start an hour earlier to get him to go to bed, I hope Spock starts behaving himself for you ;)


Thanks also Luvparrots, I have moved one of his perches to fit actually onto the door so I don't have to put my whole arm in to get him in. This is where the main problem is, as he just clings onto the door frame, clambers up then flutters to a place he knows I can't get him :D

Edited by GoDiego
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You might be interested in these, Maggie take's true incidences and let's Spock or Joey, Salsa, Freddy and tango tell the story and tell them in their own words.LOL... http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?189631-Spocks-Bedtime/page2




Good for a laugh.....

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Our 8 birds are flighted, so it can be a real circus trying to get them all stowed away in their cages for the night! None of them go out of their way to be cooperative. There's as much extracting of birds from cages where they do not belong, as trying to get birds into cages where they do belong!


I also use the "seed and nut mix in the cage at bedtime" trick. Everyone knows they'll find a favorite treat once they get in their cage. I also find that routine is your friend in this endeavor. In order for things to go smoothly, I must put each bird away in a particular order. Then all "good" birdies, that is, birdies who are in their cages, get a special treat of cashew nut. I usually have to wait in front of the pionus's cage for a bit, showing her the treat and reminding her that she'd better get her butt over here if she wants a cashew, before she comes flying to her cage, takes her nut and scuttles in.


The pair of blue crown conures is the biggest challenge, since I must get two birds in the cage successfully, without letting one out and starting all over again. It's a real ballet to get them to step up together for me on one hand and swoop them into the cage to the waiting goodies. These guys I got to cooperate (sort of) by training by successive approximation with the cashew treat. (Started by rewarding for just stepping up, even though they knew I wanted to put them in the cage; then for stepping up and staying on my hand a bit; then for letting me carry them over to the cage, etc.)


So what has worked for me is patience, following a routine, and out-and-out bribery! :)

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So what has worked for me is patience, following a routine, and out-and-out bribery! :)


That's the badger! I started by saying 'back to bed' and putting one peanut on her platform, and another in her food bowl. I'd pat the platform with my hand, then leave her to it. She just can't resist that peanut! Once it was happening easily, I waited til she was actually on the platform before delivering the treat, so it was a reward not a bribe.


I would practice it without closing the door sometimes too, just so that it doesn't always mean the end of the fun/

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Oh yes Rangi was like that when he was younger and I got so fed up with the fight every night.


So I did the one thing that he thought I would never do, left a light on and went to bed and just left him there sitting on his perch outside the cage. I said good night see you in the morning. Let's just say the next night he was more than willing to go in the cage at bedtime. Must admit now though that they have their own room I have them sleeping outside the cage on their hanging perches....Rangi even puts himself to bed sometimes and flies in to the room to his perch when he is tired.


Took us ages to get to the point where I now say to both of them good night, have a good sleep and Rangi usually flies to me to be taken to bed and Kea steps up for me to take her to bed.

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Thanks everyone for your great replies! Today I had a breakthrough with Diego and he is stepping up every time I ask him, each time he has stepped up for me I have either taken him to a different location of the house, scratched him, put him back on his perch and also putting him back in the cage but keeping the door open. I'm hoping that by doing this he is not thinking that every time I ask him to step up, it's because I want him to go to bed. Like Rangi, when he is tired he does go to his perch but has never gone back in his cage on his own accord yet, but hopefully with a routine in place like Birdnut has suggested he may then realise that it's not so bad, especially when he has a nice treat waiting for him.


I've have come to the conclusion that being a parent to a parrot is no different to having a young child. They test you, they shout at you when they don't like something, they get overexcited and sometimes don't know when to stop and don't like going to bed. The positives they give just like children are, when they show you they love you it's unconditional, a good scratch and cuddle makes everything OK for everyone, they make you smile and laugh pretty much every time you look at them, when they say their first words they make you proud and finally they expect nothing from you except all the love in the world!

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I do not have a cage anymore for Riamfada as I could not be bothered to take that back from the Jabris.

The cage door would be wedged opened by the bar stand at any rate and served only to hold her mash bowl.


To get Riam back to her room, I only need to ask her to fly back to her room. Asked her nicely.


Such as here in video below.




And video on Yingshiong, the shama who shared part of his life with me.

Flying back into his room and into his cage at cue.



A lot less stressful than trying to hunt him down from high above.


Do think about training WITH them , and allowing them to train you too, so that goodnight be a lot more fun for all.

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Thanks Shanlung for your reply. I would love to have Diego out of a cage at night, but it just could not happen in my household. I have 2 children that often get up and sneak about the house before me and I would be scared to have Diego out and about with the children unsupervised, plus I have an awful image of the children opening the patio door or windows and letting him out. Also he does not have his own room but does have his sleep cage in a quieter part of the house. I loved the videos and would love to get Diego to fly back to his cage on his own accord. Yesterday Diego did half take himself back, I think he now knows that there will be a little something for him to enjoy once in bed.



Do think about training WITH them , and allowing them to train you too, so that goodnight be a lot more fun for all.


I have been training with Diego everyday since he has joined the family. The training is doing so well with helping us to get to know each other and both myself and Diego are feeling much more confident and comfortable with each other. I had to smile at the "allowing them to training you too" comment as I have said on another thread that it seems to be me who is the one who is learning the most and that all parrot books, videos etc. all say how important it is to train your parrot but only now am I realising it is me that is being trained to understand him.


I've been really studying and researching parrot body language and am loving the insight I am getting into how Diego is feeling. Before I got Diego I think I was to quick to humanise parrots, because of their talking abilities and funny characters. Now I know that this cannot be done and I have to respect him for his full unique wonderful self :)

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The priority is to keep your birdie safe.


You have to live within your real current environment.


BUT, kids will grow up. What is not possible now might be possible a few years down the road.


Unless your kids go on to give you grand kids running in and out and opening doors and windows.


Then that will be another story.




Warmest regards





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I'm not sure if it's because Maggie is still young but about 7:30 she gets tired and cranky and she wants nothing more than to go back to her cage and go to sleep. Even if she's out on her play perch she'll be very quiet and mellow. If we're lucky enough to catch her before she gets grumpy she'll snuggle up and fall asleep. If you get her after she's hit her grumpy stage she'll complain and sometimes get a little nippy to get her point across. Bed time is bed time!

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Issac used to give me quite a run before I would go to work. However, the other thing I know about him is he likes to come when he can't see me. So...I will go in my bedroom and act like I am having a good time and whistle for him, and he will always come within a couple minutes. It is then I get him to step off onto my bed, ask him to step up on my hand, and when he does...I cover his back with ym free hand so he doesn't fly...and walk him to the cage....most times he will actually step up into the cage...if not...I slide him under his main perch and pull forward to get him to step up onto it. But, all birds are different.


I am finding one truth though...use what you know about your bird to do what you need to do. ;)

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The priority is to keep your birdie safe.


You have to live within your real current environment.


BUT, kids will grow up. What is not possible now might be possible a few years down the road.


Unless your kids go on to give you grand kids running in and out and opening doors and windows.


Then that will be another story.




Warmest regards








The other possibility is that you get cages and keep your kids in there so you and birdie have free run of the house.

One drawback though is that your SO will buy a doghouse and throw you into there to live.

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