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Bird Netting


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Now that Paco has molted a great number of clipped primaries, and is starting to fly around my condo a bit, I feel that it is time to line my deck with some sort of bird netting.


Paco has a hanging tree gym directly in front of a door that leads out to my deck, and all that keeps him in while I have the door open is a "Phantom Screen" which is only secured closed by a small magnet. This magnet gives away and the screen will "roll" open if direct pressure (a bird) were to fly into it.


My problem is, my condo doesn't allow anything like this to be hung on the deck. I am confident I could get away with this if I could find some grey or black netting, however, all I've been able to find is bright green which will stick out like a sore thumb on my building. Does anyone know of a link that might have something more appropriate that I could hang on my deck to capture Paco should he be able to get past the screen door?


I try to keep this door closed as much as possible, but its hard to get a cross-breeze at the best of times, so it really is nice for both of us to get more fresh air in here...

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Why not put something like that right outside the door itself. Make it fixed across the top and then have the bottom weighted much like some shear curtains are. But do so across the whole bottom. That way when its moved to go thru only the bottom moves aside creating a angel to walk thru but as soon as it is released it falls back closed over the door way. It makes it so its fast and easy to walk thru as needed but closes by itself as soon as its released and has enough weight to stay in place even with wind.

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What a great idea! Thank you! I hadn't thought of just working with the doors, and instead was considering a full "bubble zone" off my deck. I thiunk you've inspired me to go to Home Depot to figure something out, now if only I was handy...

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On my patio door I have regular curtains that I can open on the glass side and keep closed or partially open on the sliding door side. That way I can leave the glass door open some so my pug can go in and out. I also have beads on the sliding door side for extra precaution. My front door has beads and a light weight screen that opens in the center so that people can come in easily but it still deters my grey from wanting to go through.

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You can find bird netting at Lowes Hardware in the garden area where they have fencing. I use it inside the house to provide a barrier between the living room and the front door. It is black and nearly invisable. I'll look for my post and come back and add it here if I can find it.


http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?113178-bird-netting Here is my post that has pictures of the bird netting

Edited by Janfromboone
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In light of recent events, ;) I will be employing some sort of netting on my patio. I like the hanging beads idea as well. I am going to do some combination of thise for my new place that I am moving to at the end of the month.

Edited by Elvenking
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