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My Baby Flew Away - Dying


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Thank goodness you have him back. When you said he was circling and calling I just knew he woudl be coming back in soon.


Now that you have him back you need to have a serious sit down talk with him. He needs to know that at his age staying out all night is completely unacceptable and from now on if he goes out at all he must ask and then call every few hours and must be back before dark. LOL


Seriously now, I am very happy he came back no worse for the wear. While I in no way can see you being even remotely a "bad bird daddy", so do not think that for a second, but at the same time your best friend did get out. I think its bears out that you may need to make changes, whatever they may be. It could simply be no more than being more focused. Then again maybe you will find something you can do, changes you can make, to minimize this happening again. There is no way to make anything 100% and have any type of enjoyment but I think taking some time reviewing how this happened and thinking and putting into practice steps to prevent its re-occurrance woudl be prudent. You likely have already been doing this over and over.


Even in the middle of this when you wrote about him calling to you while flying around and around your building I could not help but think he was looking down at his daddy /flock leader saying "Hey daddy, look at me. Look at how great I can fly! Come on up!! This is soooo COOOL!!!!" Of course not knowing the whole time you are about to have a coronary. The way this mirrors how a 2-5 yr old child would be with there parents is scary.


Your bond and love shared is why he under his on power an choice came back to you. You do not get that by being a bad owner/friend/daddy how ever you want to look at it. Enjoy your night tonight as its likely to feel so great. Of course now that your adrenaline is gonna you will likely crash and realize just how much this took out of you. Get a goods nights sleep tonight. both of you!!!







Wow...I just read this post completely and somehow in my frenzy missd it last night while I was loving my birdie up. But I want to send a personal thanks for your encouraging words and accurate assessment of the situation. I was touched by how close your response was to my exact feelings. I am moving soon and am going to employ more protection mechanisms to make sure that he is safe. Thank you for such meaningful and kind words. You give me faith that there are still good people left in this world. And let that not minimize anything else that was said. You all as a community helped me make it through one of the most difficult times I have ever had. To let you all know..I read this post over and over just to relive the wonderful ending. I love you all and thank you soooo much for your wonderful support. You are all the best humanity has to offer!!

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You are very welcome. I try very hard to put myself in the shoes of the person when things such as these occur. At the same time also try to logically access the situation and help as much as possible as the hardest thing the person in the middle of a frightening event for that person to do is to be logical in their thoughts. As with any painful experience we do not want to be going thru it again and only looking at it in such a way can we best hope to prevent its re-occurrence.


I am so thrilled you two are rejoined!!! Your pain/panic/fear was very obvious and heart felt.



I think our biggest enemy to keeping our fliers safe is our own complacency. Everyone has this weakness to different extents. Its our jobs as we are 1000% responsible for our birds to constantly be reevaluating our day to day actions and habits. Its not just about getting out but that is the focus right now of course. From what little I have gotten to know of you just thru your posting on this IT think is apparent you are a very loving, caring guardian to your companion. Looking at this thru the eyes as a parent we ALL make mistakes or could have do better in a this situation or that. It is never a question of love or caring or if you are a good or bad parent ( with i reason of course) It comes down to learning from the incident. In the end we are 100% responsible for our children. We always need to be looking for ways to do better less we start regressing.


Again I am happy and rejoyed Issac came back home and you should fee very encourage by the fact he never left and came back on his own as a sign of what he thinks of your care and friendship. If there is anything I and I am sure all others here can do to help with possible ideas to adding some extra security against this happening again you only need to ask.


Thank you for taking the time to acknowledge my post to you. I was strongly hoping you took it as how I intended as text does not always convey as you we mean it to but by you response I see that you did.


Congrats again. I am now off to read your blow by blow account of the events.





Edited by tarm
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OH my gooooooodness, I havnt been on here in so long, I am just now reading this, I am sorry I wasnt here through it all, But I was SO glad when i read you got him back, I was desperatly clicking the next page button and scrolling down to see if there was any good news, I literally started to panic myself. I know how much you love issac, I remember when you first posted here and have followed your updates and everything...


Anyway, I am just so glad you found him. And you are not a bad bird dad at all. Accidents happen. I cant imagine this happening! You did everything right, and got your dear baby back :)

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I just read through the thole thread. I am so sorry that you had to go through this but I am very happy that your baby came back. I also lost a bird a few years back. He was a dearly loved budgie and he slipped through the screen in our door (this is why I clip Tui now). We got him back after a very upsetting two days. I am so glad things worked out and that many great people here supported you through it.

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I have been gone a while. I saw this today and cried when I read the post that you got him back. Hugs to you. What an ordeal.


I see that people continue to be moved by this story. Trust me, I am still so happy to come home from work and still see him. Whew. If you haven't already found them...read the posts titled "Isacs Day Out" parts one and two to hear the blow by blow. I could not write that one without tears flowing. He's my baby. ;)

Edited by Elvenking
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