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Judygram is going to visit the UK


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I am leaving in a few weeks to go visit one of my bestest friends here on the greyforums, Julie aka Joolesgreyuk. This is my first trip out of the USA and I am so excited about it, of course so is she and I think the two of us are going to have one hell of a time, watch out world for you may not be prepared for the aftermath. Its a long way over there and it will cost me some money but it is money well spent in my opinion.

I am hoping that in the near future she will be able to come to visit me at my home so I can show her around the sights here in my part of Virginia.

I will take lots of pictures and share some of them with you all here when I get back.

I can't wait Jules, Jude is coming!

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I can't wait either Jude, we will have a ball. I must map out the week to cram as much into it as possible. Unfortunately I will have to work a little bit but I am rearranging appointments to do as little work as possible that week. Luckily we have some wonderful places to visit in around the city itself and we can go further afield on free days. I only wish you were staying longer! I don't normally go out evenings but I must take you to some typical English pubs and perhaps a restaraunt. Are you sure you are ready for my cooking Jude???

The Barbican is a typical tourist hot spot, (from which the pilgrim fathers set sail on their discovery of America) a harbour which in the spring hosts a jazz festival, it has pubs, cafes and quaint little shops which sell (amongst the usual tourist goodies) pastys (Jude you haven't been to SW England unless you have sampled a pasty whilst here) and ice creams which you can have with a dollop of clotted cream on top (clotted cream being another SW delicacy) now I have to work out in my head which pubs we can visit and are they ready for us??

Our city centre is quite good but I guess not by American standards but we can visit as it's walkable (is that a word?) from the Barbican and then there is Plymouth Hoe from where Sir Frances Drake who upon sighting the approaching Spanish Armada famously finished playing his game of bowls before defeating them! Lots of open spaces around there too.

I have posted pics on here in the past of my neighbouring woodland, we can spend an hour there too Jude and go deer spotting - good thing hubby won't be here eh?

The list is endless but the weather is always a worry, September is usually dry though so here's hoping.

Who knows Jude, if I get this job I am after I just might be heading your way in the not-too-distant future.

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This is truly wonderful, and I mean it from my heart. I've PMed her, and asked her to please start posting on the forum again, she is truly missed. Judy, when you see her in person, let her know she is missed by many people, including those that don't know her. Sincerely Jay d

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Just got back from a week in London with my teenage son. We are both over six feet tall, walk very fast, and have lots of energy, so you may want a more modest itinerary. We did not go outside London, except if you count Kew. We bought London Travelpasses for a week and got our money's worth on the tube. Public Zip car style bikes"Boris Bikes" are coming soon.


Lodging: Base2Stay, Kensington. Reasonably priced, clean quiet, modern green remodel. Wonderful shower, free wifi, helpful staff. Lousy mattresses. Recommended.

Day 0: Arrive Deal with jetlagged. Wander around eat fish and chips, drink ale. Explore immediate neighborhood on foot. Try to stay up to 9:00 PM

Day: 1 Tower of London, British Museum, British Library; Dinner at Gordon Ramsay's Petrus

Day 2: Kew Gardens, High Tea at Carlton Tower (harpist) Shop at Harrods. Jack the Ripper Evening Walk.

Day 3: Tour of Parliament, Westminster Abbey,Churchill War Rooms/Museum, Trafalgar Square, National Gallery, Street Performers on South Bank/London Eye

Day 4: Changing of Guard, Speaker's Corner, Horse Guard Museum, National Portrait Gallery

Day 5: Natural History Museum; lunch at Jamie Oliver's Fifteen (best meal of trip -- have the cream soda), "Avenue Q" in the evening.

Day 6: Camden Market/Locks; Covent Garden; Soho Walk to Piccadilly Square

Day 7 Get up, fly home; hate the airlines for 816 minutes of your life.


What a great city! What friendly people for such a huge city!



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Cap'n Jaspers now there's a name! Is it actually a resteraunt now? Back in the 70's it was just waterside stall selling seafood!


The last time I was in London was in the mid 90's, I find it to be very fast moving and tireing. It's quite a long way from here and as Judy is only going to be here for a week and money will be tight it really isn't an option. Everything in London is very expensive too and Harrods??? OMG don't even start me on the prices there. As it is situated in Kensington that should tell you all you need to know. Sounds like you had a good time Dr Tak but I bet you got through a lot of money!


I will do my best to give Judy a good time.

Edited by Joolesgreyuk
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I will do my best to give Judy a good time.


I'm counting on it Julie.;)

DrTak as I will only be going thru the London airports I won't get the chance to see the sights there but that was not the point of my trip, I wanted to meet Julie as we have become quite good friends and to see the things around where she lives will be good enough for me, who knows maybe I will return another year and we will go to somewhere else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its about three weeks now until I leave for the UK, I am about to burst with excitement about the trip, Julie is saying be prepared about the rainy weather they have but no amount of rain could dampen my spirit for the highlight of the trip is to see and meet Julie, I don't really care what else we do but we will probably talk nonstop from the time I land until I take flight again for home, gosh I can hardly wait! 3 weeks and counting!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I leave this coming Tuesday for bloody ole England to meet Julie and I can hardly contain myself, I have a 3 day weekend then its off I go, won't be back to work for nearly two weeks, I am taking several cameras with me to get lots of pictures so don't be surprised if the site is inundated with pics when I return. I may post a few while over there but Julie and I plan on being so busy we won't have time to get on the forum so cross your fingers that all goes well and we have a blast.

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Well Judy, the clock is SLOWLY ticking and you will be on your way Tuesday. I truly am happy for you and hope to hear and see all of the wonderful sights and stories you will have to share of this trip of a lifetime.


Enjoy, be safe and Godspeed to you!!!!

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Thank you Dan, I plan on having the time of my life, I just wish that next week would go real slow so we can really cherish the time we have together for I have no qualms about meeting her, someone who I have never seen in flesh and blood but we share a common bond and other things too. If all things work out she and her family will be over here to visit me next year or so, another treat for me, heck who knows we might just trade back and forth.

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Well the Jude has landed and it has been typical British weather, raining on and off, bloody English but we are having a good time anyways, just two old broads having a good laugh talking about anyone and everyone and that means no one gets left off the list.

I hope to have some pictures for you all soon if Jules and I can compose ourselves, just wish you all were here to enjoy it too.

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Well we have had a pretty day today unlike yesterday but we don't let the weather spoil our fun, Julie and I went sightseeing today around Plymouth, did some shopping and tonight we are going to a couple of pubs so we might get smashed but who cares as we are having fun getting to know each other better, sorry I don't have any pics to share at the moment but soon.

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