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Murphy is his own worst enemy at the moment!


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Kate who has the patience of an angel has finally lost her patience with the little terror. The screaming has been getting to her even though she stays calm, I can see it winding her up & on a few occasions Kate has said she has had enough of him.


She came home from work today & went & sat in the study to relax, all I heard was this commotion. I went in to see what was going on, Murphy was back in his cage & Kate sat there with a cut face. He had flown from his cage at her face & drew blood, poor Kate had a cut on her chin & was not happy. I suspect he was only trying to land on her shoulder as he does to me while I'm sat at the PC.


He has been flying round like a delinquent though. Yesterday he flew into another plant & ruined it, again Kate was not impressed then after today's little incident her words were " I hate that bloody parrot, wish we hadn't got him" He has also been biting her when she tries to give him attention resulting in her putting him back on his stand & having nothing more to do with him.


On top of all this he won't step up for me & gives me attitude when I try, won't come out of his cage or let me give him many tickles. On the other hand he flies after me where ever I go & calls constantly when I'm out of sight?


I can't quite work him out at the minute. I just keep telling myself & Kate he's just a baby trying to find his way, he's around 7 months now, it will get better. :eek:

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Wow as I am somewhat new here I did not realize he was that young. It would sure be nice if it were easier in understanding the reasons behind some of their actions when times are like this. So he does not want anything to do with directly interacting with you from taking him out of the cage to stepping up. While he has been coming to Kate at the same time he is biting her as well. At the same time even though he does not want direct interaction he still seems to want to be close enough to you to follow you when you start to go out of eye shot. Wow. :confused:


You have been back from vacation for what about a week now?

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We have a flock of 1-year olds. 7 of them. I'm not going to give advice, but just want to relay our lessons learned.


First: any rapid behavior changes will result in a trip to the vet to see if there's something internal going on that has them frustrated.


Second: Our greys get grumpy when they don't get enough attention. That attention can take many forms, talking to them, playing with them (we have a few games we play together)


Third: They get grumpy when they are hungry or thirsty, and I've caught myself drinking a glass of water when someone lands on my shoulder and grabs my ear...and it took me a few ear nibbles to figure out that what he wanted was a drink.


What I've learned is they don't do something for no reason. It's very cause/effect, and it's on me as a parront to understand the cause; and many times it's not obvious and requires some analyzing of my behavior and the environment in which our fids live.


That may or may not be helpful lol.

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