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Yoshi can FLY!


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We have had some nice developments recently! No more words yet, lol, still saying 'Peek-A-Boo' and 'Yoshi' and all her goofy sounds though. The real improvement is flight!!! If you can call it that :P


For those who don't know, Yoshi was clipped after one short flight as a baby, something that made me pretty unhappy, and now at a year and a half a few new feathers have finished growing in. She still has several clipped feathers, still waiting for them to fall out, but has two beautiful new flight feathers on one wing and four on the other. They look good on her :P


Sooo, last week she started madly flapping her wings on top of her cage... she has done this playfully before, but no she was doing it and leaning forward like she was about to jump. I called come here, come here, and got close to the cage and held my arm out, and she would flap like crazy, lean so far forward... then give up and scoot back and forth on top of her cage, then try again. Eventually she gave up completely. That went on for a couple days. Yet if we were leaving the room or something, she would climb down her cage and jump and flutter a couple feet to the floor. She never has done that before, yet she has been doing that like a natural!


Well, the big shocker was last weekend, I was in the bedroom, across the hall from Yoshi a pretty good distance, when I hear the crazy flapping and say come here Yoshi! She launches herself off the cage and gets to my feet before she reaches the ground. That's her longest distance ever!


After that, it really shows that she built some confidence from that one launch off her cage :D Now, if I'm about 8 feet away from her in my chair at my computer and I hear her flapping I hold my arm out and say 'Come here!' and she launches to my arm. She doesn't hesitate for long! In the last two days, she has been a crazy flier, she definately wouldn't hit her target (my arm) if I didn't adjust to help her, and she seems to perfer just landing on the open floor. I'm guessing as the poor baby only has 6 flights total, manuvering won't be possible yet :P


But oh my gosh, I can tell how happy she is! I was eating a granola bar in my chair yesterday, and she launched herself faster than usual, and I barely caught her. She was panting from the effort, but locked her eyes on my granola bar like 'hey, I've earned that!' Of course I gave her some :P She likes drinking outta my cups lately too, and tossing the ice out of any water I have :P


I'm so proud of her limited flying capabilities :) Hopefully not long and she will be gaining altitude with flight :P She has been a bit cheeky already with jumping off her cage and flapping to another room if we aren't in her room. She just lands on the floor and stares around looking for us. I've been making sure to say 'go back Yoshi' and place her back on her cage. I don't want her thinking she can go wherever she wants without us inviting her. Are we doing the right thing? Putting her back on her cage a couple times should show her that she can only come with an invite eventually right? I don't want to have to put her IN her cage at times. Practically whenever we are home, her cage is open...


Just sharing my happinness with her success :)

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That is a great story. Fortunately, I got Issac away from the breeder before she had a chance to clip him. Breeders are so clip-happy. I do remember the day when he stopped floating down and began going up-up-up. It is really a wonderful and magical thing. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story.

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She has been a bit cheeky already with jumping off her cage and flapping to another room if we aren't in her room. She just lands on the floor and stares around looking for us. I've been making sure to say 'go back Yoshi' and place her back on her cage. I don't want her thinking she can go wherever she wants without us inviting her. Are we doing the right thing? Putting her back on her cage a couple times should show her that she can only come with an invite eventually right? I don't want to have to put her IN her cage at times. Practically whenever we are home, her cage is open...


Just sharing my happinness with her success :)


Yeah for Yoshi! Just wait until she gets her skills honed! Anytime Kito flies off her cage if she comes directly to me I praise her, pet or play for a bit (her choice of course) and then put her back and tell her to stay. Then I watch carefully and ask her to come to me before I think she's going to launch on her own. If she flies off and doesn't come right to me she goes back on without out a word except stay. Gradually she is staying for longer periods of time. I ask her to come to me at random times. Sometimes she will but sometimes she is contrary so then I just wait a minute or two and ask again. I don't know if that is right or not, but that's what I do. We have a cat so if I can't be watching her she either has to be in her cage or in the play room (we built an indoor screen door) for her own safety.

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Wow! You have done very well in helping build her confidence by using her strong desire and your adjusting the distance and arm position to give her hgih levels of success in her first attempts at flight.


I guarantee you that as her muscles build and careful flight control adjustments are learned by her. She will surprise you with how well she will be able to fly, even with the limited number of present primaries intact.


Our Grey Dayo, went through the same process as his clipped primaries slowly molted out one by one over a year and a half period.


Whats funny to watch as they gain flight abilities, is when one day they gain more altitude than previously and you see them looking up thinking to themselves "Uh Oh, the ceiling is coming closer and closer" as they try to figure out the correct amount of flap reduction to stop the gain in altitude. :P


Thanks for sharing this! :)

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  • 5 months later...

well we are at about a year now i guess a year and half is the normal for feathers to grow back .... abby still has a few more i think 2 or 3 on one wing to get back to a full wing but ... she has the out side two on that win and all of the other ... i never really paid attention to this post as much be for but now abby is doing the same thing ..... standing on top of her cage flapping and flapping and flapping .... just going at it trying so hard to fly ... and eventually she will jump off the top of her cage clear the kitchen table and then land on the carpet ... and heaven for bid she hits the kitchen floor she slides and spins .... its quite funny ... so i guess we are close to flight ? ... again ... she was 8 when she had her wings clipped but that was only because she broke so many feathers she could not fly with out hitting things ... im getting excited here i hope she gets the rest of her flight feathers back !

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Congratulations Jess and Yoshi. This is exciting news! I have been wondering how you are doing and here she was just waiting to practice and show off her flying skills. It is magical to see them fly when they are babies, clumsy and doing a lot of crash landings. It brings me happiness to remember Juno's flights and how proud he was to land on my back. It is even more beautiful to be surprised with the regaining of flight, like a little mini miracle for Yoshi, I am sure. I am cheering her on as she finds her wings again! Happy happy days.

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