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What are your greys' sleeping habits?


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We normally put the fids in their cage for bedtime around 6-7 PM, trying to link it to sunset. Inevitably, they arise with contact calls at 0600 (which is about sunrise), on the button, every morning.


Every now and then, we have them out a little late (8 PM or so) because they're full of energy and want to play, but the next morning.... they don't sleep in: 0600 I hear the whistle.


Their cage is in our great room, which has 9 windows, so there's no hiding the Sun, but we do have a large blanket over the cage for them.


I haven't slept past 0600 in 2 years. Makes me realize the value of naps :)

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I put Biscotti in his cage around 8:00pm, he settles down on his sleep perch & doesn't say boo until about 6:00 am. I don't cover him at night, so the sun wakes him up & me too! It is so sweet, I can hear him while I'm still in bed softly saying Hi!, good good bird, Hi Biscott, etc.. I am an early bird too, so Biscotti & I have a perfect sleep/wake schedule together! :)

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Different birds, different sleeping habits for ours.


Jake the conure will fly back to his cage and squawk between 630 and 7 to let us know it's time to close and cover his cage. He will sleep untill about 6 am and then start chirping to be let out.


Dayo our Grey, will not go to bed until he is convinced we are also. So, normally he goes at 9, sometimes 8 if he looks tired. At those times we just shut everything down like when we're going to bed, he'll normally step up and get carried to his cage. The he gets hot water, lots of good night I love yous, a few scratches to keep him over night, then covered. Then we sneak back in, turn the TV on lowly and finish watching whatever we were doing. One note, if company is over, Dayo will stay up until all are gone and it's quieted down. He starts whistling and talking about 6 am as well.

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My grey is out of her cage most of the day. She flies from room to room and lands on her perches, boings or my recliner/desk chair as she pleases. At night around 7 pm I put dried veggies, nuts and fruits in her "snack" bowl and she goes into her cage for a snack. I close the door and tell her nite, nite.

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Six of my fids are in my office - where I spend all of my day until about 8 pm. Then it's night night for all of them, drawing the shades, turning off the lights and complete quiet until the sun comes up around 6 - Dixie is the only noisy one of the bunch in the morning - talking as much as she can and calling the dogs to go out. She's better than any alarm clock I've ever owned.


Sterling's lives in the living room which is dominated by my son. He too has an 8 pm bedtime, but only requires that "his" light is off and the tv is turned down. While he gets the morning sun in his window he makes absolutely no noise until breakfast is served and he alerts the entire house. I guess I'm the lucky one in I can sleep in if I choose, but prefer to sit with Dixie and the rest of the fids reading the paper and drinking coffee while they enjoy their breakfast.



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I put Issac to bed at around 11pm and he sleeps till about 8. Or at least I am pretty sure he sleeps. I always hear the beak nashing going on after I cover him and then no movement after that. Occasionally I hear him piddling around in the morning before I uncover him...but he is a good sleeper.

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tobie stays up until 9:00 and at that time I take him upstairs to his cage. Sometimes I'm later, but he still doesn't like bedtime. When I put him in the cage he does this treadmill thing on the side of the cage with his feet, hanging by his beak from the horizontal bar or the cage and running his feet up and down the wires. after a few minutes of this he settles down and sleeps. I've though about bringing him to our room and having a sleep cage in the room, but I wake up and get up in the night and I suppose I would wake Tobie. He never wakes me. I usually am awake by 8:00 on days I don't work and 6:30 on work days. He doesn't make a peep until he hears me stirring.

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I put Issac to bed at around 11pm and he sleeps till about 8. Or at least I am pretty sure he sleeps. I always hear the beak nashing going on after I cover him and then no movement after that. Occasionally I hear him piddling around in the morning before I uncover him...but he is a good sleeper.


Wow! that's late for our fids. Maybe we should keep them up :P

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Kito has a 9 pm bedtime, but she's like a little kid and tries hard to avoid it. I suppose she wakes up whatever time the sun comes up too, but I don't get up until 7. She and Charlie the parakeet chat nicely in their room until I have a cup of coffee in me and treats hidden in her cage.

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Syd goes to bed around 10 or 11 until about 8 am. Gets covered up. If he gets tired before that he will let ke know by flying to his cage and going up to his sleeping perch,,lately I think he just wants to sleep in the same room as me. Lately in the mroning he is now flying out of his normal area and flying upstairs to try and see me while im getting ready in the am....hmm not good as we have new carpet everywhere up there!@%*^$#

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Syd goes to bed around 10 or 11 until about 8 am. Gets covered up. If he gets tired before that he will let ke know by flying to his cage and going up to his sleeping perch,,lately I think he just wants to sleep in the same room as me. Lately in the mroning he is now flying out of his normal area and flying upstairs to try and see me while im getting ready in the am....hmm not good as we have new carpet everywhere up there!@%*^$#



LOL...I know what you mean about the carpet. If I had to take a guess as to how many times I have picked up stray poop from Issac, I would put it somewhere between 2000-3000 times in the 30 weeks I have had the little guy. The Bounty paper towel company should sponsor my bird, as he keeps me buying them in the 12 roll bundles quite often. This bird does not get the whole 'I-do-not-like-poop-on-me-or-my-carpets' thing. The only ones i can get control of are the big morning bomb, and the other one when I let him out of his cage when i get home from work. I have all but given up on trying to get him to understand where it is okay to poop. I feel bad for the times I have like a 5 second warning where I notice him assume the position and then go over to move him to a proper place to poop. He can sometimes be poop-shy after that and take a few seconds to get it going again. So I resign myself to spot cleaning and wiping up poop all the time.

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I gave up on paper towels awhile ago!! go to Wal-mart and buy the cheapest baby wipes you can find they clean up birdy poop great!! and they leave a fresh scent oh and no stains either ( I have a dark brown rug in my living room and was sick of white smudges after cleaning with paper towels and cleaner)

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Oscar also goes to sleep at around 10:30 or 11 every night. At around 10pm (or if we see he's tired) we put him in his cage if he doesn't go by himself and cover it and he has a quick snack. We then continue to watch t.v. with the lights off and volume lowered until about 11pm and either he will be already asleep or he knows that means lights out.

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My Hannah Likes to sit and watch tv with us untill about 10 oclock, then she is ready to be put to bed . I cover her up . she stays quiet. We went and bought a Bissel Little green carpet cleaner at walmart , works wonderfull on Hannas Messes.

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Lulu quiets down on her foraging station at about 10. She gets a head scratch (she puts her head down for this when asked to step up-- the only time of day she doesn't step up swiftly) and the steps up and is caged. She is free most of the day, and has no problems going back to cage at night. She will generally play for a few minutes, have a snack, and then settle down and go to sleep. Her cage is downstairs by windows, but we have not heard her until she hears us. She greets us with a "hi!" when we come down at 7 AM or so. She warms her pipes up thoroughly while on her stand, while brekkie is being prepared.


My schedule often has me flying out in early AM. On those days, Lulu ignores me. Too early. She waits until Mamacita is back and breakfast is imminent to wake up.

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I usually put my night time sheet over Tui around 10:00pm just before I go to bed, although sometimes I let her watch the TV before bed. Haha! ;) Her cage is directly facing the TV. She's usually up before me; I'll wake up and see her little head under the edge of the sheet watching me with interest. So as soon as I get up, I take the sheet off her and open the cage and say hello/good morning. :)


So her sleep pattern is pretty much aligned with mine.

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