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My name is Michele and I'm new with the forum thing. I hope I am doing stuff right!

I have a 14 year old Timneh named Rose that I enherited from my sister.I have had her for 2 years now and have had a crash course on parrot husbandry. I have read lots and did allot of research on line but for the most part it has just been learn as I go. My sister had never taken Rose to the vet which is one of the first things that I did, and glad I did because I learned that it is very important to have your bird examined and have blood tests done regularly because they can be very sick without you knowing it. I am very fortunate to have an avian vet that I am established with and take Rose to every year or less.

Rose is a great addition to our family and gives me a reminder of my sister through things she says and the voice she says it in. My Sister passed away a year ago in August. Rose sounds just like her!

I am hoping to learn lots of things here and connect with other Grey lovers!

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Hello Michele and welcome to our family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Rose.

I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your sister but it is wonderful that you could take in Rose and give her a good forever home, I am sure your sister rests in peace knowing that you have Rose and giving her the care she deserves.

Thats wonderful that you can feel at peace when Rose talks in your sister's voice, for some people it would be a sad reminder of their loss but you continue to hear her voice in Rose which means that your sister taught her a lot before she passed.

You will learn a lot by reading thru the many threads here and we have many knowledgeable members here who are willing to help you in any way they can, all you have to do is ask questions you may have.

We would love to see some pictures of Rose if you have some of her you would share with us.

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