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Which do you think is a better cage

Guest ashez

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Guest ashez

1) http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=13213




2) http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=5059+10346+5063+16475&pcatid=16475



I like the fact that the first one has space for play toys at the top while the second one doesn't...


What do you guys think? Or are there any other suggestions on cages from another site?


Thanks so much! :)

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Guest ashez
I like them both but I prefer the EZ Care Freeport Bird Cage over the other one. I LOVE the fact that you can open the entire front of the cage if need be.


So the first one? I'm thinking that too...plus it has a play top and all...

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Guest ashez

of course. I just have to get new toys now... :)

Do you have a night cage and a day cage or do you just use one cage for both?? I know people who have 2 cages and was wondering on if I should keep my old cage for the night cage or just sell it...

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Guest ashez

I keep my house at 77 and keep fans on...since Shaddix is only 8 weeks, I keep him in a room with the vents turned off to ensure he doesn't get cold..when can I perhaps make the transition to the family room w/the vents open and fan going?

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Guest ashez

So I got the ez playtop cage and it's turned out to be a nightmare. When received, the food door was messed up, which I thought okay, no biggie...they can send me a replacement. Then the poop guards were messed up, again, no biggie, a replacement please. Then I get everything all situated in the cage, put Shaddix in it and the darn front door breaks in my hand!! Super frustrating!

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WOW! That is some terrible workmanship... or was it busted during shipment? I have never ordered through that company, so can't tell you about the service or anything but that cage looked like a great choice. I hope they get everything resolved for you quickly. Sorry you are having such a rough time with it. :(

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I have an older EZ care cage, I have had no trouble with it all, I also order all my food from pet solutions and bunches of toys etc. never had any trouble with their customer service I hope they get this problem fixed and fast!!

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I have two EZ top cages and order from Pet Solutions all the time and have never had a problem. Please let us know how things go with getting a replacement. I had my grandson put my cages together and they are both sturdy and all parts work wonderfully. One cage is over two years old and the other over a year old. I would certainly order more cages just like them if the opportunity arose.

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Guest ashez

They are going to send out a new cage and when I put it together, I can send the old cage back. I just hope the new cage is all perfect cuz I really like the design and everything. :)

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It sounds like they got a bad run (lot) of those cages. With these kind of mass produced stuff it does happen from time to time. The bad part is unless the receiving company actually pulls out a few of them and puts them together they will never know until they start to get complaints from sales. As from posts here the company seems to have a good track record and the cage from past seems OK, I would ask them to please pull the cage out and inspect all the parts first and then ship it to you. Now if they drop ship this can not be done. All of this stuff is most likely made in china and then brought here. With that quality can go from great to horrible back to great. It is getting better in the last years but it still does happen.


What is actually breaking or broken on these? The welds themselves failing or bent and broke parts from possible rough handling or bad initial assembly of the parts.


If its welds actually coming apart I would not want to try my luck with any from that particular lot. If its bent or parts that look mis-assembled or rough handling where you can obviously see its good or bad then OK go till you get a good one. If its welds coming apart then it could look good and hold up for a bit then start failing and you coudl end up with a escaped bird or without knowing what the warranty is on it stuck with a broken cage.

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Guest ashez

It's actually parts to the opening doors as well as the poop guards. The parts to the opening doors are falling off which makes it almost impossible to open and the poop guards are all damaged. They don't package these right and with UPS delivering them, there is no telling what kind of damage they receive.

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