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The 75 g goldfish tank


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I have four goldfish in here. This tank has been set up for almost two years. But it use to house a 16inch oscar for about 10 years. My husband got tired of cleaning up after that messy fish and gave him to a guy with a 125gallon tank.


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Nice Photo of the Tank and Gold Fish :-)


I had an Oscar for a few Years in my 100 G. He was HUGE and a very intelligent fish.


He recognized me, would come up and eat out of my hand and just follow me back and forth across the Tank as I moved like a little puppy Dog.


But, due to his Hugeness, I could not house any other fish in the tank. He viewed them as great snacks I provded for him :-)


So, I traded him to a guy for 2 Discus..they were beautiful :-)

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The one my husband had started at 2 inch's long. We kept a common pleco in the tank with him that was about the same size when we got it. The Oscar got to 16 inches the pleco was only 12 inch's.

The Oscar took food from my husband hand. Would jump from the water to get the food.

He kept heavy rocks on the tank top to keep the fish from hitting the glass and jumping out.

And we had to buy a new heater yearly cause the Oscar would attack it. lol

Ya he was alone can't keep anything with an Oscar and expect it to live.

Even the pleco had battle scars on him from them fighting.

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